The Net Effect

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Originally posted on May 18, 2016.

In an 80-minute class for which I recently guest-lectured, the instructor (a master teacher) gave students a mid-class break to enable them to stretch and talk to classmates. What a great way to build community, I thought. Alas, two-thirds of the class never moved. Rather, they pulled out their smart phones and sat staring at their screens. There was no face-to-face conversation, just solemn silence.


SYDA Productions/Shuttershock

When I recounted that story to tech expert psychologist Larry Rosen (co-author of The Distracted Brain: Ancient Brains in a High Tech World and author of iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us) he replied that ā€œI see this all the time EVERYWHERE.ā€

The students I observed donā€™t exemplify The Onionā€™s recent parody (ā€œBrain-Dead Teen, Only Capable of Rolling Eyes and Texting, To Be Euthanizedā€). But they did bring to mind the recent Western Psychological Association presentation by Rosenā€™s students, Stephanie Elias, Joshua Lozano, and Jonathan Bentley. They reported data on smartphone usage by 216 California State University, Dominguez Hills students, as recorded by a phone app. The stunning result: In an average day, the students unlocked their phones 56 times and spent 220 minutesā€”3.7 hoursā€”connected. Moreover, more compulsive technology use not only drains time from eyeball-to-eyeball conversation but also predicts poorer course performance.

Todayā€™s technology is ā€œso user-friendly that the very use fosters our obsessions, dependence, and stress reactions,ā€ says Rosen in iDisorder. If smartphones interfere with ā€œhaving social relationships, then it is a problem, and it really is what I consider an iDisorder.ā€ As Steven Pinker has written, ā€œThe solution is not to bemoan technology but to develop strategies of self-control, as we do with every other temptation in life.ā€ We can live intentionallyā€”by managing our time, blocking distracting online friends, turning off or leaving behind our mobile devices, or even going on a social media fast or dietā€”all in pursuit of our important goals.

About the Author
David Myers has spent his entire teaching career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has been voted ā€œoutstanding professorā€ and has been selected by students to deliver the commencement address. His award-winning research and writings have appeared in over three dozen scientific periodicals and numerous publications for the general public. He also has authored five general audience books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. David Myers has chaired his city's Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for families in poverty, and spoken to hundreds of college and community groups. Drawing on his experience, he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in American assistive listening technology (see