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Macmillan Employee
09:46 AM
On the red carpet for the 2017 Emmys, Issa Rae iconically declared that she was “rooting for everybody Black”. I cannot begin to describe how much I relate to that sentiment.
Some of my clearest memories involve my grandmother, Olivia, refusing to run any errands, schedule any appointments, or otherwise leave the living room of our home, when normally her attention was rarely glued to the television. Her excitement was visceral in 1996 when Dominique Dawes was the only Black member of the Magnificent Seven. I can recall not a single instance prior to that year when anyone in my household - in my life - had ever cared about gymnastics. My grandmother didn’t understand what we were watching; she didn’t know how the judges were scoring or what they were looking for. Grandma only cared about supporting Dominique.
But this was nothing compared to the feverish energy that came upon my grandmother whenever she heard the names Venus and Serena. She watched more than just the Olympics to get glimpses of these two phenoms, consuming the sport of tennis as if it had always been a passion in her life. She cheered with a rowdy tone that one generally hears coming from hockey fans. She cried when they won and cried when they lost. Her eyes would twinkle in anticipation when she realized one or both of them would be on television later that day. “I’ve got to watch Serena play,” Grandma would declare softly, and authoritatively, a reminder to all of us that whatever we were watching would come to a swift and necessary end.
Her enthusiasm wasn’t just limited to women, either. I was shocked by how much Grandma seemed to love golf as soon as she was introduced to Tiger Woods. Out of nowhere she began to follow the PGA Tour, and cereal boxes with his face found themselves in our kitchen cabinets. Not a single one of us had ever before eaten Wheaties.
She fell ill in the fall of 2007, suffering from a stroke that left her mostly paralyzed and unable to speak. But in the months before, she’d known about Barack Obama. She’d heard about him before I did, having started following him almost the exact moment he’d announced that he was running for president. I don’t think my grandmother knew anything about his politics, his platform, or his plans. I kept reminding her that he had to clinch the party’s nomination first. Yet she was so certain that he really could win - or, perhaps, she just wished for it so strongly that every other option fell away from sight.
Olivia passed away in August of 2008, before Obama’s historic victory. I thought of her when I heard the news, saddened by the fact that I wouldn’t get to see her dance or shed tears of joy for a man who had achieved what she, and many others, believed to be the greatest demonstration of Black excellence of all time. I cut clips from newspapers, just as she would have done, and tucked them into the photo album that she’d gifted me as part of my freshman starter package.
As a woman born in 1924, seeing Black people succeed in areas where very few people of color had been allowed access was everything to Olivia. She’d been raised in North Carolina, where her father’s hold on our family land was never secure, the system bent on taking the meager prosperity that belonged to him the moment that justification became available. She married my grandfather, and together they moved up north to Queens, NYC, hoping to create a better life for their family. Their children had a lighter complexion than Olivia, and she was harassed by strangers who accused her of kidnapping the children from white families. My mother remembers hands grabbing her chin, closely examining her features to confirm that she really was a colored child. They would demand Olivia prove that her babies belonged to her, that she had the right to have them in her care.
After growing accustomed to the treatment, my grandmother buried her dissatisfaction when my grandfather’s job forced them to leave the neighborhood and relocate to New Jersey, where they’d yet again be outsiders, to be scrutinized by a new set of unfamiliar people.
I knew enough about my grandmother’s challenges to know why it was so important to her to root for everybody Black. My grandmother, and many in her generation, believed that the success of any of us was a triumph for all of us. Anything positive that I accomplished, anything positive that any Black person accomplished, moved the needle towards equality and understanding, made us more human in the eyes of others, helped society to realize that we deserved rights and respect. My success, and my excellence, was never just for me - it was for the culture.
I carried this pressure well into my adult life, and have come to recognize how it showed up in my career. Some of you have heard me share the story that publishing as an industry had been almost invisible to me, as a young Black woman in college. No one I knew worked in publishing, and only one person ever suggested that I consider it as an option. I was the only Black person in my internship group at a small not-for-profit publisher, and the only Black person in my office at my first full-time job publishing scientific journals. When I left there almost sixteen years ago, I started working at Macmillan Learning, and became one of few Black people in the 41 Madison office in New York City. We were all in different departments, and rarely interacted for work purposes, which meant I was often the only Black person in meetings and on conference calls. Back then I never explicitly acknowledged the weight that I assumed in response. But deep down I wanted - needed - to work hard, to succeed, to prove that I belonged, not just for myself and my love for the work that we do, but for the culture. For all Black people everywhere.
In recent years we have come closer to accepting that it is not the responsibility of Black people to prove their humanity to others. Those who do not see us as equals, as people, will not be convinced due to our athleticism, or scientific achievements, or artistic talents. Black Americans have managed to rise to astounding levels of success in diverse fields of interest, achieving firsts and setting records throughout, striving to make the dream come true. We also continue to endure traumas and indignities due to racial prejudices and harmful stereotypes. As I finish editing this essay, my heart is broken over the murder of Tyre Nichols, an act of police brutality that reminds us of the history of slave patrols and the horrific treatment of enslaved Africans in this country. No number of gold medals will stop racism in its tracks.
Our first employee resource group, BLACC (Black Leaders Actively Changing Culture), has given me a space to support Black colleagues and find community among them in a way that I was lacking, and desperately needed. BLACC came together to sponsor an externship program for young BIPOC students, offering three weeks of engagement where they would be exposed to various departments and positions throughout the organization, and would complete a project that highlighted their chosen interest. Being a member of the committee that brought this to life felt like a dream come true and is one of the most incredible things that I’ve ever been a part of. The BLACC Voices series is yet another way that we get to impact how colleagues think about the world, by bringing in guest lecturers to discuss topics of social importance, which in turn impacts the contributions that we make through our work. We must continue to have these conversations, as difficult as it might sometimes be, to ensure that Macmillan Learning is truly inclusive and equitable, to be both appreciative of the value of our team members as they bring unique perspectives and identities to their work, and intentionally acknowledge the vast diversity reflected in the students and instructors who interact with our products.
Today, I can’t help but to think of Olivia, cheering as loudly for me as she once did for Serena, and I’m motivated by the possibility that she would see my contributions as beneficial for the culture. I choose to keep doing that work, keeping the bigger picture in mind, doing what I can to move the needle forward in any way possible. I’m also relieved to know that my personal development and our social evolution allow me to be a fallible, honest, dedicated human being. That I can put down that pressure and just be myself. That even when I make mistakes, I am still succeeding, and somebody, somewhere, is rooting for me.
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Macmillan Employee
07:18 AM
Photo provided by Derek Wiebke.The woman in the center of the back row is Lena. She is my great-grandmother’s great grandmother. In the 1890s, she and her family fled Prussia and immigrated to the United States. They settled in Wisconsin, not far from Green Bay. They were Jewish.
I didn’t learn of my family’s Jewish heritage until my senior year of undergrad. I was taking a comparative literature class, whose syllabus included a myriad of Jewish writers from the Americas, Germany, and Austria. As a German major, I hadn’t yet enrolled in a course that focused exclusively on Jewish writers. Of course, I had been exposed to a number of Jewish-German writers in my literature courses, but they had been sprinkled into syllabi that sought to feature and provide students a sampling of the German literary canon. The purpose of these courses was not to discuss these writers' Jewish identity, but rather their contribution to German-language literature.
It was in these previous courses that I began to develop my affinity to Jewish-German writers. Some of my favorites included names that many people may recognize, even if they have never read them: Franz Kafka, after whom the adjective Kafkaesque was named, and Stefan Zweig, who was one of the most widely-read authors in the world in the early twentieth century.
During my studies, I also discovered Ingeborg Bachmann, another of my favorite writers. She is not Jewish, but much like anyone studying the German language or German history, she could never escape the Second World War or the Holocaust. She was obsessed with it; consumed by it. Though the cause for her obsession is well-known: her father was an early member of the Austrian National Socialist Party.
The German term used to describe what Ingeborg Bachmann does in her writing–and what many post-1945 German-language writers attempt to do–is called Vergangenheitsbewältigung. The word roughly translates to the “struggle of overcoming or coping with the past.” It’s not a word to necessarily describe one’s private independent reckoning of the past, but a collective or public struggle and debate.
Nevertheless, the term encouraged me to think more critically about the past. It also led me on a journey to unveil more about my own family and heritage. What I discovered was that my family was Jewish, something neither my mother nor father had the slightest clue. My newfound discovery opened up an entirely new research interest of mine, one that was both scholarly and personal.
Fortunately, I was able to continue my journey as a graduate student at Yale University, home of the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. The Fortunoff Archive’s mission is “to record and project the stories of those who were,” and it contains more than 4,400 testimonies, comprising 12,000 hours of recorded videotape of individuals providing their first-hand experience of Nazi persecutions. As part of my graduate coursework, I spent hours viewing many of these testimonies.
What it both taught and reinforced in me was the importance of remembrance and storytelling. My education was one that encouraged sharing; it encouraged many points of view. There was no fear of asking questions, and everyone was free to voice an opinion. My education was also one that discouraged censorship.
It was a brave act for the more than 4,400 individuals to share their stories. Their stories deserve to be told; they deserve to be remembered. On this International Day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims of the Holocaust, I’m taking time to listen. This year’s theme is “Home and Belonging,” and it’s intended to provide reflection for those persecuted to think about those words and what they meant to them both during the Holocaust and in its aftermath.
My great-grandmother’s great-grandmother was not persecuted by the Nazis during the Holocaust. But, her story is also one of persecution. She and her family fled from central- and eastern European anti-Semitism half a century before the Second World War. For that, I will always be grateful. Yet the discovery of my familial connection to Lena has instilled in me a greater appreciation of history and its teachings, one that offers–to me at least–a sense of home and belonging.
If you’re interested in learning more about the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims of the Holocaust, you can visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website. There you can learn more about its history and how to mark the day.
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Community Manager
09:25 AM
Having recently submitted applications, or with deadlines looming, college is top-of-mind for many potential students. And the decision is a big one. Heading to college -- whether it be to earn a two- or four-year degree -- is a major investment, one that nearly 16 million students decide to make each year. For them, a college degree is not just a path to a better career; it's a path to a better life. That’s because for many students, college is more than just a place where learning is confined to a classroom. For today’s students, learning is everywhere.
The college experience can be an important transition to adulthood; one where students will learn and grow. That's because the campus itself is a classroom where students get to know themselves and see the world from a new perspective. College is a shared space for knowledge and growth-seekers. And, importantly, college is a place where students often learn from each other just as much as they do from their courses.
Given the many surprising benefits to college, we have assembled 11 ways college can benefit students beyond the classroom.
Exploring new interests: From rowing to reading, colleges have countless numbers of activities, groups, organizations, athletics and clubs. Students are encouraged to explore their interests, discover new passions, and gain a sense of self-awareness. Many colleges also have a student union where students can gather, socialize and get involved.
More critical thinking skills: Through problem-based learning, collaborative projects, and writing and research assignments, college courses help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Their ability to successfully analyze, synthesize and evaluate information will benefit their personal lives while also teaching them a valuable skill for just about any career.
Exposure to different cultures and ideas: College campuses are diverse communities that expose students to diverse perspectives and cultures. From courses and guest lectures that invite students to explore new ideas and ways of thinking, to a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities and life experiences in the student and academic population, to opportunities to study abroad -- colleges can open a doorway in each student's mind to a world they hadn’t before imagined.
More job opportunities: College graduates have a much wider range of job options available to them, including many jobs that are not open to those without a degree. In addition, those opportunities are easier to find. College graduates will see nearly 60% more job opportunities than non-graduates; one reason for this is job openings for workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher are advertised online more frequently than those requiring a high school diploma, making it harder for workers without a higher degree to connect with prospective employers. Students can also learn about many of these job opportunities at their college career service or resource centers, which host career fairs and provide students with valuable tips on interviewing and resume writing.
Greater employability. According to the Education Pays report, the unemployment rate for those over 25 with at least a bachelor’s degree has consistently been about half of the unemployment rate for high school graduates; the most recently available data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2020 cites a 2.2% unemployment rate for college graduates and a 5.4% rate for high school graduates. Additionally, according to a 2019 report by Georgetown University, college graduates are more likely to have jobs that are insulated from automation, which helps to increase students’ long-term employability.
Increased earning potential: According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, college graduates earn on average $1 million more over their lifetime than those without a college degree. Someone with a high school diploma can expect to earn $1.3 million in their lifetime, whereas a worker with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn $2.3 million. This number goes up even more with an advanced degree.
Higher job satisfaction: A study by the Pew Research Center found that college graduates are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and report higher levels of happiness. Forty-two percent of high school graduates say their job is “just to get them by,” compared to 14% of bachelor’s degree holders.
Better benefits: In addition to the $1 million to their total lifetime earnings, college graduates are more likely to have access to benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and paid time off. Further, employers will often cover a greater amount of healthcare costs or offer more vacation time as well as retirement investment options.
A sense of accomplishment: Earning a college degree is a significant accomplishment that can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. In fact, bachelor’s degree holders report higher levels of self-esteem than high school graduates.
Networking opportunities: College is a great place to meet new people and make connections that can be valuable later in life. The connections that students create in college with faculty, classmates and members of clubs or student organizations will not only help them to start building a professional network, but can also lead to new interests, friends and other possibilities. Importantly, they will become part of an institutional support network that students can later call upon for work advancements, mentoring programs, and additional skill-building.
Personal growth and development: College can be a time of great personal growth, as students learn to live independently, manage their time, take responsibility for their own education, and improve decision-making skills.
College is an investment in students’ future that can pay off in many ways. It can open doors to better job opportunities, increase earning potential, and provide personal growth and development, and more. Not only that, within families, it has shown to help in ensuring the next generation will also attend college. Pursuing higher education can be a big decision in terms of resources, time and energy, but there are many reasons why that investment is worth it for many students.
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Community Manager
11:57 AM
How Life Works author James Morris explains why climate change should be included in introductory biology textbooks, resources, and curricula.
Climate change is one of the most pressing and urgent issues in our world today, and it's one that students should learn about. It poses significant risks to human health and well-being, as well as to the natural systems that sustain life on Earth. It’s a topic we should not shy away from in classrooms and course materials.
Therefore, I read with interest Aliya Uteuova’s article in The Guardian “US college biology textbooks failing to address climate change, study says.” In the article, Uteuova reports on a study by Rabiya Arif Ansari and Jennifer Landin at North Carolina State University. They examined climate change coverage in college-level introductory biology textbooks and found that it is inadequate, decreasing, and often relegated to the end of the textbook.
I couldn’t agree more with their findings and the need for increased coverage of this critical area. This is why Biology: How Life Works is an exception to this trend. In writing HLW, my co-authors and I highlighted climate change ever since the first edition, with even more coverage of this topic in our most recent 4 th edition. Notably, HLW was not included among the textbooks examined in the study.
For example, in Chapter 1, we outline six grand themes that help students see the big picture, not unlike the core concepts outlined in Vision and Change. One of our grand themes is human impacts, which is emerging as a key concept in biology. Human impacts range from climate change to habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, and overharvesting, to name just a few. By introducing them upfront, from the very start, we draw students’ attention to the collective and often destructive impact we are having on the planet. And, in contrast to many other textbooks and frameworks in biology, HLW is one of the few that highlights human impacts as a 21 st century core concept in biology.
Throughout the ecology section, we return to the subject of climate change. It is discussed at length in the chapter on biogeochemical cycles. We examine it again when discussing populations, species interactions, and ecosystems. We have an entire chapter on the human hand in environment and biodiversity, showing not only the latest data on how and to what degree climate has changed, but why it has changed, what its actual and projected consequences will be, and what we can do as citizens. Possible solutions and reasons for hope are also recommended by the authors of the study.
In HLW, we have eight cases that highlight current research and issues, such as cancer, the human microbiome, and the challenges of feeding a growing human population. In the fourth edition, we included a new case – climate change. The cases highlight important issues, while also tying together a set of chapters. In this way, the cases motivate students and help them make connections among different topics. They end with a set of questions that challenge students to find solutions. The case on climate change also includes a podcast, where an author interviews a scientist doing research in this area.
Finally, a photograph of a family of polar bears graces the cover of our most recent edition. The photograph was captured by award-winning photographer Paul Nicklen in Spitsbergen, Norway. As summers grow longer, polar bears, like the ones on the cover, are increasingly threatened. So the cover itself is a call to action on climate change.
In bringing students’ attention to climate change, we are not just highlighting a current issue. We are also emphasizing the central importance of the carbon cycle to life on Earth. Of all the topics in introductory biology, the carbon cycle is one of the organizing principles that we want students to learn and understand. Climate change then provides a lens through which students critically examine the short-term (biological) and long-term (geologic) carbon cycle, as well as the many places they intersect and our participation in it.
Introductory biology should provide a foundation for students, while also helping them to understand the world around them. As one of the most critical issues of our time, climate change should certainly find a home in introductory biology textbooks, resources, and curricula.
James Morris Brandeis University
Discover more about Dr. James Morris and his passion for teaching biology and sparking wonder in students.
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Macmillan Employee
09:31 AM
One of my most profound memories of growing up was having Sunday dinner at my grandmother’s house. My grandparents migrated north to New Jersey from the rural coast of North Carolina in the mid-fifties. They paved the way for my grandmother’s siblings to all eventually migrate north and settle with their families near my them at the Jersey shore.
My grandparents were proud people who sacrificed everything they had to provide passage for our family out of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering his I Have a Dream Speech at the Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. 08/28/1963 ARC Identifier 542069segregated south into the freedoms and opportunities promised in northern communities. My sister and I were always excited to make the hour or so drive to the shore to visit my grandmother, the surviving matriarch of the family, on those Sunday afternoons after church. Although our grandfather passed away when we were very young, we felt a strong sense of pride and love that we knew had been created by both of their hard work and steady hearts and was there, waiting to touch everyone who entered into that home.
By the time we arrived at my grandmother’s house, relatives had already begun to filter into the living room, laughing and sharing stories from the past. There was a familiar sense of safety and peace that we each felt knowing that we had created something special that we would always share -- a common heritage and history that transcended blood-ties and family trees. We were the survivors of Jim Crow and the promise now of an opportunity to be who we were always meant to be, a people born with freedoms and dreams.
The smell of great soul food and the sounds of warm laughter would bring us together in anticipation of a meal at the dining room table -- the most intimate space to share. When dinner was ready to be served, we would all stand around the dining room table and hold hands and pray. All the food would be perfectly assembled on the table, as we waited quietly for one of my uncles or my father to bless the meal. In those moments, I noticed that on the wall in my grandmother’s dining room, was a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. My grandmother had done what so many Black families had done who were survivors of the Jim Crow south and who had witnessed the call for America to step into the light of equality and racial justice. She joined the ranks of countless Black southerners living in the north, who felt pride and even a duty to prominently display a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in their home.
My young mind couldn’t appreciate the true meaning behind his presence at every Sunday dinner, watching over our every word and peering into our hearts with a stoic moral reminder of how far we’d come. There were plenty of framed pictures of family members freckled throughout my grandmother’s house on mantles, dressers, tables, and in photo albums that we enjoyed thumbing through after we had our fill of fellowship at the dining room table. However, that picture hanging in my grandmother’s dining room was different from the other pictures set throughout her house. The picture of Dr. King wasn’t really a picture as much as it was an image of ourselves, reminding us of how fragile freedom really is and how the sacrifices of the civil rights movement can easily be undone when we forget the faces of those who dared to embolden our self-worth and our right to dream the impossible dreams that push America to be better to its people.
Dr. King was there with us- while we sat laughing together in the living room, while praying words of thankfulness before eating, and while we gathered ourselves to leave and return to our own homes. He was there to remind us that freedom is a long march, not a fleeing spring, and that the best of him was in all of us as we marched forward into the promises that awaited us in the future. His eyes, faithful and focused, pushed us to never forget that just a generation prior to that moment, we were limited by the confines of segregation and a generation before that, we were oppressed by the yoke of slavery.
His presence, there in the middle of our family gathering each Sunday, was meant to motivate us to continue the march forward and uncover new opportunities, for ourselves and those around us. The march toward equality and the freedom to realize our greatest potential is not reserved for the privileged, but rather a blessing that we share with each other. We reject the barriers of injustice and hatred that can so easily divide us as people. As I look toward remembering Dr. King during this national day of remembrance, I am honored to have had Dr. King’s presence alive in our family gatherings, reminding me to continue the march towards freedom and justice for all.
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Macmillan Employee
06:43 AM
Macmillan really walks the walk. There are few truly mission-driven companies out there, and Macmillan Learning is one of those companies: Chris Paddock, Senior Director of User Experience
This month, Macmillan Learning launched a new company mission and vision, supported by our core values. The words are new; the actions they embody are not. They codify a mission that we already live, a vision that we believe is within reach, and a set of values that inspire how and why we work the way we do each day.
Our mission and vision provide us with a critical focus. Each of us has made choices that led us to work at Macmillan Learning and these statements help us recommit to the work we do. It's the choices we make that lead us to embrace a vision for the future that is both astonishing to contemplate and yet within our collective grasp: We envision a world in which every student succeeds.
Success is often defined first by what’s possible; however, what is possible is no simple measurement, and not conferred by others upon us; rather, it rests with each individual, as part of a family or group, as part of what citizenship means in a world that is so reliant on educational opportunity to shape it. It is why living our mission meaningfully affects our individual and collective futures, and we live our mission by inspiring what’s possible for every learner.
It’s learning that makes things possible; I’d argue, it has the potential to make all things possible. At work, in the classroom, remotely or via online engagement, learning is a tool with endless applications; a catalyst for a new, more meaningful set of possibilities for each learner. It is as true for a student at the beginning of their educational journey as it is for the Macmillan Learning team member invested in a career dedicated to helping others. And for each of us, it is through the values that we live that we join every learner on their journey.
True to ourselves. True to our customers.
To be true requires integrity, empathy, and dedication. It requires that we be mindful of each decision we make and understand its effect on learners around the globe and on each other as colleagues. When we do this right, we positively and sustainably impact the educational lives of people everywhere.
Inclusion is a choice we make every day.
Diversity is a fact; Inclusion is a choice. It is a choice we consciously choose to make every day; one that enables us to work together honestly and authentically. It is a choice that allows us to broaden our educational reach to increasingly wider and diverse audiences, and it is evidenced through our ability to support the learning of every individual along the way.
Learning is a journey we are on together.
As individuals. As teams. As a company. In concert with authors, content collaborators, outside partners, administrators, educators and, most importantly, students. Now more than ever we have the ability to help any student learn what is important to their success, when and where they are best suited to learn it, and inspire in them the why that will carry them forward on their educational journey. The paths we walk together not only make knowledge more accessible, they enable the development of practical skills and support each student’s well-being, sense of belonging, and intrinsic motivation to succeed.
Shaping tomorrow with today’s ideas.
It is a great reward to know our content, courseware, and learning platforms can positively impact educational outcomes as well as the very opportunities students encounter throughout their education. Our partnership with authors brings new perspectives and points-of-view to new and established fields of inquiry. Our collaboration with digital innovators within and outside Macmillan Learning fosters work that reaches students the world over in ways that help to democratize education and change the trajectory of individual lives.
We are in the business of doing good, and I’m proud of the direction that we’re headed. I hope you join me and your colleagues as we continue to explore how a collective mission set upon a vision of a better world for every student can continue to motivate our work at Macmillan Learning.
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Macmillan Employee
01:11 PM
Every great company has a culture that makes it special, differentiating it from other companies. Culture is the result of the people working together toward a common goal. It’s the reason why they come to work each and every day. Everything we do at Macmillan Learning is in service of fulfilling our common goal. It's at the heart of what we stand for and why our employees remain inspired to do such amazing work.
Our daily mission and vision for the future has evolved along with the needs and focus of the community we support. For the past year, we have been reflecting on our business, our teams, and our communities. We interviewed and surveyed customers, leaders, authors, students, and our employees without any preconceived ideas to better understand their beliefs about our company.
Through collecting and measuring the data, some common themes emerged. We thought long and hard about what everyone had to say and the feedback confirmed we’re making the right moves to prepare for the future, and an ever- changing education landscape. It also helped us to articulate the journey that Macmillan Learning has been on for quite some time -- to help inspire a better future for every student. Or, in other words, inspire what’s possible.
Earlier today. Macmillan Learning announced to our employees a revised mission, vision, and stated company values and I am excited to now share it more broadly. Our mission, vision and values are meant to be living statements - ones that symbolize the passion and purpose we all feel for the work we do every day.
You will see these everywhere from our website to our offices; our promotional materials to our social media. You’ll hear our team talking about what it means to live this mission and these values; what it means to work toward this critically important vision. They are reflections of our team as much as guideposts directing our efforts as we navigate a rapidly changing landscape with ongoing challenges of learning loss, access, AI, and more. While the phrases may be new, these sentiments have been a part of our company’s culture for quite some time.
At Macmillan Learning, we believe that through our work, actions, content, and courseware we are making an impact on the educational ecosystem. And through that impact, we are helping to inspire what’s possible for each and every learner.
Our Mission:
Our Vision:
Our Values
Collectively, Macmillan Learning’s mission, vision, and values serve as the foundation upon which we will continue to work and build toward the future. This is what inspires our work; it is who we are. And it is the foundation of our partnership with educators and students.
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