Annette Rottenberg; Donna Winchell
Elements of Argument
Elements of Argument offers a deep dive into the major components of argumentation — claims, support, assumptions, language, and logic — to explain concepts and integrate them with reading, writing, and research processes. This affordable text uses brief, accessible readings on current topics to carefully scaffold argumentation for students, first modeling analysis and critical reading, then supporting students through guided practice using argument approaches such as Toulmin, Aristotelian, and Rogerian models, as well as stasis questions. The Thirteenth Edition strengthens the connection between the elements of argument and reading and writing practices with a clearer chapter organization and easy-to-use Strategies boxes.  Robust research coverage is further updated to include more digital source types and reinforce the importance of evaluating sources (especially online) for bias, spin, and reliability.  An anthology of debates and casebooks gives students an entry point to writing about contemporary and timeless topics. Elements of Argument is a complete argument resource that provides students with a foundational vocabulary and understanding of the building blocks of argument. Achieve for Readers & WritersCombining diagnostics with formative and summative assessments, Achieve for Readers & Writers is a quick, flexible solution for targeting instruction on critical reading, the writing process, grammar, mechanics, style, and punctuation to each individual student. New Achieve Writing Tools allow instructors and peer reviewers to easily comment on student writing, while fully editable writing assignments pair with powerful analytics to track student progress.
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