What's Your Style?

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It is clear from our posts that there are many ways to flip a chemistry classroom. I'd be very interested to survey the flipping styles of our community.

Here are some questions you could answer:

Have you flipped all of the General Chemistry at your institution or do only certain professors flip?

Do you use videos?
Did you make the videos in house or do you get them externally?
Are the videos lecture-like or topic oriented, short videos (6-10 min)?
Do you require the students to view the videos?
If so, how do you monitor?

Do you use a textbook?
If so, which one?
Why did you pick this textbook?
Do you make daily (weekly, chapter-based) reading assignments?
Do the students have the option of using an electronic textbook?
If so, what percentage use the ebook?

Do you give quizzes?
If so what is the frequency: daily, weekly, pop, after chapters?

In-class activities
What is your typical class size?
What sort of in-class activities do you use?
Do the students work in groups?
Do you grade the activities?
Does everyone in the group get the same grade?
Do you use transponders or cell phone responders (such as Top Hat)?
Do you have TAs or student helpers in the classroom?
If so, what is the ratio of students to (helpers + professors)?
If you use TAs or student helpers, do they receive special training?

Do you use online homework?
If so, what is the frequency of the assignments (daily, weekly, chapter-based, or other)?
What percentage of the final grade is the homework?
If you don't use online homework, describe your homework practices.

Do you do anything else that you consider important to the success of your flip?

If you have not already written a post describing your flip, please consider doing so. Or, you could answer the questions above and send them to me at JohnOsterhout<at>JohnOsterhout<dot>com and I'll consolidate the responses and post the results.

OK, I'll go first.

The style of the classroom is left up to the professors. In the Fall, I'm the only professor flipping. In the Spring, another professor uses my materials and flips as well.

I have not made my own videos. I use the ChemTours in the Smartwork system that we use for online homework. I also look for suitable videos on the internet to supplement the ChemTours or to fill gaps in the ChemTour coverage. I often use Khan Academy videos or random videos from the internet. Sometimes, students suggest a video and I will incorporate it into my worksheets if it is better than the one I have. I do not require video viewing.

Our textbook is Chemistry, Fourth Edition (Fifth edition next year), by Gilbert, Kirss, Foster, and Davies (Norton). Our faculty picked it because the content was acceptable and the price was lower than most of the other textbooks. I make daily reading assignments from the textbook. The students have the option of using an electronic textbook only. About fifty percent of the students have opted to use the ebook only. Unfortunately, most of these have only their cell phones to access the book in class. A few students bring laptops.

I give daily quizzes that count for ten percent of the final grade. I give the students an assignment sheet that includes the day's learning objectives. The quiz comes from the learning objectives. I use the quiz to encourage the students to make at least a minimal effort to engage the material before class.

In-Class Activities
My class size is about 30. I don't have TAs or student helpers so the student to me ratio is about 30 at the beginning of the semester. My students work in groups of four unless I am forced to make groups of three. At the beginning of class, I assign the groups by major and consolidate them as students drop out.

I use worksheets that I have developed myself. These are available to teaching professionals. The worksheets are a series of problems that require the student to practice the learning objectives. The problems are more involved than the quiz problems. If the students finish the worksheet in class and it all the answers are correct, then they can leave. If they do not finish, they have to turn the worksheet in completed at the beginning of the next class. I has to be perfect. I post the keys so at worst the students copy the key onto the worksheet. At best, they engage the material. Some do, because they report mistakes in the key.

I use the SmartWork online system from Norton. I give daily assignments. The assignments cover the assigned reading & learning objectives for the day and one or more questions from the previous day's material. The homework counts for twenty percent of the grade.

My flipped class is designed to put the ideas through their heads several times: the reading, the homework, the quiz, the worksheet, and the follow-up homework.

I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, Happy Flipping!


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I'll play!

Have you flipped all of the General Chemistry at your institution or do only certain professors flip?

So I only teach genchem labs (all of which are inquiry based), but I fully flip my biochemistry class and incorporate active learning in my advanced biochem (also a CURE) and my med chem (also a service learning course) courses.  I have a colleague in biology that also teaches biochemistry, while she incorporates clicker questions and case studies, she does not flip teach the class

Do you use videos? Yes
Did you make the videos in house or do you get them externally? made most of them in-house using camtasia, just recently built a lightboard studio I hope to incorporate, but do sometimes supplement with Khan academy

Are the videos lecture-like or topic oriented, short videos (6-10 min)? A little more lecture like, each video ranges from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the content
Do you require the students to view the videos? They have the choice to either read or watch the videos or do both, the only requirement is that they post a "muddiest point" question to the discussion board by 10pm the night before class.
If so, how do you monitor? I monitor to make sure students posted questions and attempted to answer a question. Before class, I take the common themes from the muddiest point questions to develop a 5-10 minute muddiest points lecture


Do you use a textbook? Yes
If so, which one? Voet, Voet and Pratt - Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Why did you pick this textbook? It was already selected by my colleague that teaches biochemistry in biology
Do you make daily (weekly, chapter-based) reading assignments? no
Do the students have the option of using an electronic textbook? I believe there is an electronic version
If so, what percentage use the ebook? Probably not high, but have never asked, could be a good question to add to my tech survey next fall


Do you give quizzes? No
If so what is the frequency: daily, weekly, pop, after chapters? NA


In-class activities
What is your typical class size? 18-24
What sort of in-class activities do you use? I use mostly POGIL - there is a great biochemistry workbook, and some case studies 
Do the students work in groups? yes
Do you grade the activities? yes - mostly just for completion but feedback is given
Does everyone in the group get the same grade? yes
Do you use transponders or cell phone responders (such as Top Hat)? no
Do you have TAs or student helpers in the classroom? yes, at least 1, ideally 2. One to work with me in class, one to hold additional practice sessions that are voluntary outside of class
If so, what is the ratio of students to (helpers + professors)? 7:1 if I have two TAs
If you use TAs or student helpers, do they receive special training? We meet weekly to discuss the current content of the course, go over the inclass activities and the additional practice activities that will be held in the practice sessions. Next year, my TAs will also be helping me with creating new activities to help break up the POGIL workbook 


Do you use online homework? No
If so, what is the frequency of the assignments (daily, weekly, chapter-based, or other)?
What percentage of the final grade is the homework?
If you don't use online homework, describe your homework practices. There are additional practice sessions that are a little harder than the activities given in class to help students gain more practice. TA's are there to help, and I am also available. These have no grade associated with them.


Do you do anything else that you consider important to the success of your flip? My students also have to complete a semester long literature review paper that investigates a disease/disorder and how it impacts metabolism. There is a timeline and 3 opportunities for peer-review throughout the process from outline to final draft. This component of the course is 20% of the total grade and in essence takes place of the lab grade if the class had a lab.

About the Author
As an educator, researcher, wife and mother, I am dedicated to developing and assessing innovations in chemistry education, medical diagnostics, and the biophysical characterization of non-helical DNA structures found in the non-coding regions of the genome. Website: www.katehayden.weebly.com