What's In Your Achieve Course: Tips, Tricks, and Important Features for Using Achieve

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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What’s In Your Achieve Course? 

Hello, Instructors! As you and your students continue to learn this term, we want to be sure you’re making the most out of your Achieve course. This series will show you the types of content in your Achieve course. 


Learning Path

Beyond the platform itself, what sets Achieve apart is the content. In Achieve, content is organized to meet your unique course goals. You can easily see in the learning path which assessments and media resources are aligned for their pedagogical usage: to prepare for class, to be used during class time, and for review after class time. 

This allows instructors to provide a high degree of structure to the course work they assign. This benefits all students, but especially those who come into the course less prepared.

Although we suggest content for pre-class, in-class, and post-class, feel free to mix and match and make it your own. Arrange material in a way that works best for you and your students.


Interactive E-book

The Achieve course is built around the e-book, providing a structured framework of content, media, and assessments for your students. The e-book in Achieve is more than just a flat PDF. The e-book can be accessed directly to be read section by section. The e-book is also included in our adaptive quizzes, allowing students to reference back to sections in the book as they work through formative assessments. 


These are a few key features of the e-book:

Audio: The Read-Aloud option allows you to listen to the text. You can also fast forward or rewind and change the reading speed. 

Font: Easily change the font style or size. You can also select day/night mode or change the line spacing to personalize the reading experience.

Highlight and Notes: Select any text to highlight it or add notes. As students work through the book, these notes are compiled into a notebook for them to easily reference later while studying.

Animations and Media: Animations play right in line with the text.

Self-Assessment: Check your knowledge with in-line answers to the end of section questions.


Which feature of Achieve do you and your students like best? Comment to let us know!