Analyzing the Olympics: Skiing

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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With the Olympic Games returning for the Winter, we’re looking at the stats of our favorite teams and Olympic athletes! Take advantage of this opportunity to introduce some of the harder statistics concepts and use examples that are current and relevant. 

Elizabet_0-1643733554459.pngRequest access to Achieve and see how the e-book engages students with real-life examples and interactives. The e-book offers highlighting, note-taking, offline access, and screenreader functionality.

Data sets and Video Technology Manuals are available for commonly used statistical software, including Excel, SPSS, R, Minitab, and many others. 




Take inspiration from the content and cover of Kokoska’s Introductory Statistics: A Problem-Solving Approach!

Learn more about Achieve for Statistics or sign up for a demo for a one-on-one tour.