New Look for the Macmillan Learning Website!

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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In conjunction with the launch of the Macmillan Learning brand, we are pleased to introduce our new website! We wanted the site to better express our passion for teaching and learning, and also sought to make it easier for instructors and students to find information. We hope you'll love the new Macmillan Learning website as much as we do!

New Homepage: We are over the moon with excitement about our new brand, Macmillan Learning. We’ve joined the forces of Macmillan Higher Education with Macmillan New Ventures as a unified team to help educators and learners succeed. Many of you may land on this homepage because you googled Bedford/St. Martin's or Sapling Learning. Rest assured that you can learn about all of our solutions from our new website.



Search: Speaking of search, we've updated the site with responsive search functionality. Simply type in your desired search item (i.e., an author's name or title of a book), and the site will serve up results specific to your entry. This feature is designed to connect you to the resources you need in an efficient manner.



Filtering: You'll be delighted to learn that, we've also enhanced our catalog pages with new filtering options. This convenient addition to our site allows you to narrow your results to include only the information you're interested in.


Mobile: And last, but certainly not least, we've upgraded our mobile functionality. You can now easily navigate the Macmillan Learning website and catalog from your mobile device. What's more, all of the content has been carefully designed to fit on your mobile screen.


We hope you like the updates to our site. If you have any comments or feedback, feel free to reply to this post, or drop us a line on our Facebook or Twitter pages. Happy web browsing!
