PRESENTATION: How iClicker Helps Me Be Flexible, Nimble & Inspired in Multiple Modalities

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How iClicker Helps Me Be Flexible, Nimble & Inspired in Multiple Modalities

Presentation by Solina Lindahl: California Polytech State University - San Luis Obispo, Economics

In this presentation, we hear from the Economics Department lead at Cali Poly State - SLO, Solina Lindahl on how to use iClicker in multiple modalities with teamwork. In a learning environment where professors and students alike are inundated with new classroom technology, it's important to stay flexible, nimble, and inspired. This presentation not only highlights iClicker features that maximize active learning, growth mindsets, student engagement, and a sense of community--but also highlights the importance of turning to learning science and research when designing a course. Watch the presentation below to learn more tips and tricks for implementing active learning with iClicker in your course. 


Watch the Presentation

Solina Lindahl is the Economics Lead (Cali) and services in the CSU Chancellor's Office. She is a committee faculty rep and co-lead for Equity Learning Community. She serves as the co-lead for Cal Poly's Center for Teaching's "Redesigning the large lecture." Solina is also a faculty mentor and regular recipient of the "Economics Faculty of the Year" award.