Grading and Modifying Polls After Class in iClicker Cloud

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
0 0 5,187

Did you realize midway through the term that you wish to modify how students earn participation points for iClicker activities? Have you forgotten to grade your polling questions in class? No problem! You can perform these tasks at any time via the Class History section of the iClicker Cloud instructor website.

Start off by logging in to the iClicker Cloud instructor website and selecting your course. You’ll be dropped into Class History, and you can select which past poll you’d like to adjust.

Poll Settings

When you create a new iClicker course you start off with default settings. You can modify point values and other settings at any time, but changes you make through your main course settings will only apply to future class sessions. Here’s how to update settings for past activities:

  1. Select the three dots in the upper-right corner of the page next to the activity timestamp. Then, select Poll Settings.
  2. In your Poll Settings, you can:
    • Update the Poll Name.
    • Change the question screenshot and results Sharing settings. Some instructors choose to hide polling question images and class results until after classes have met, especially when teaching multiple sections of a course. Selecting the sharing options here in Poll Settings will then push those question images and/or results out to students' iClicker accounts.
    • Modify the points you wish to award and the threshold for Session Participation
    • Modify the scoring setting and points you wish to award for Session Performance. If you select the option to Score total polling session for Performance points, you set a limit on the poll's Performance points, which are then split equally among all graded questions. Please note that when you apply this session-based scoring setting, you cannot adjust points for individual questions when grading polling questions.
  3. Save your settings when you are done.

Grading polling questions

Although you can grade polls in class by selecting the correct answer(s) from the results chart, you can also grade questions at any point after class. Here’s how:

  1. Click on a question number or image. The poll results load in a panel on the right side of the screen.
  2. Select an answer choice on the results panel to indicate that it is correct. Select it again to toggle it to incorrect or ungraded. You can choose multiple correct responses. When graded, the results change color to green (correct) and red (incorrect), a check mark appears next to the correct response(s), and a GRADED badge displays next to the question number at the top of the panel. Note that you cannot grade questions you asked in anonymous mode, students can still earn participation points for responding. Learn more about grading each of the iClicker question types.
  3. If you are using the default question-based Performance scoring setting, you can update the points possible for each question or award partial credit by typing new values into the Points box next to a response. This option is not available if you have applied the session-based scoring setting, which splits Performance points equally among all graded questions in the poll.