Tech Tuesday: Your College Experience Online

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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John Gardner and Betsy Barefoot were some of the early innovators of the college success course. In keeping with that theme, the LaunchPad which accompanies the 13th edition of their text, Your College Experience, we include innovative ways to engage your students with the course content. As your Learning Solutions Specialist, let me take you on a tour of what’s available.

Each chapter contains an interactive self-assessment quiz, which gives students an opportunity to reflect and learn more about themselves and the chapter topics, providing targeted advice to help them develop a personalized learning plan.

Multiple-choice Case Study Quizzes ask students to apply practical strategies and concepts discussed in each chapter. Students receive instant, helpful feedback after each response to help them contemplate the scenarios further.

My personal favorite resource is our student voices videos, which shows real college students sharing their experiences. Accompanied by a set of open-response questions, two Video Activities per unit allow students to reflect on course topics and deepen their thinking, as well as encourages application of helpful strategies discussed to their own lives. You can talk and talk and talk about how important time management is, but it might not really hit home until they hear it from their peers!

All of these live alongside an interactive ebook, instructor resources, and LearningCurve Adaptive Quizzing.

If you’d like to learn more about how LaunchPad can help enhance your course, sign up for a one-on-one session with your Learning Solutions Specialist:

About the Author
Prior to coming to Macmillan, I taught Public Speaking (and a little College Success on the side) at several universities throughout Orlando, Florida. Most recently, I was the Course Director at Full Sail University. I have a B.A. in Film and Journalism and an M.A. in Communication.