Tech Tuesday: ACES Wrap Up

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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The semester is almost over, and it’s time to start wrapping up your college success course. Which means that now is the perfect time for your students to complete the ACES Progress Report found in most of our LaunchPad products.

Students will take the same inventory that they did at the start of the semester, and can provide a great insight into their growth and the effectiveness of your course.

There are three different reports you can view: 

  • Progress Report: The second time students take ACES, at the end of the semester
  • Comparison (new this fall): See Initial and Progress report scores side by side
  • Change (new this fall): Looks at change in raw numbers

Note that only students who have completed BOTH the Initial AND the Progress Inventory will show up in the end-of-semester report.

The Progress Report will look similar to the Initial Report you’re already familiar with, but with new scores, on both the Class Report, Roster Report, and Institutional Report. 

The Comparison Report compares how your students scored on the ACES Initial Report at the beginning of the term with how they scored on the Progress Report at the end of the term on a side-by-side chart. 

On the Change tab, you can view reports showing how students’ raw scores (their scores before they are run through the national norm table) have changed from the ACES Initial to the ACES Progress self-assessment. This is a more precise method of calculating change.

For more information on using the reports, you can read our knowledge base article or sign up for a session with your Learning Solutions Specialist

About the Author
Prior to coming to Macmillan, I taught Public Speaking (and a little College Success on the side) at several universities throughout Orlando, Florida. Most recently, I was the Course Director at Full Sail University. I have a B.A. in Film and Journalism and an M.A. in Communication.