Lynn Hunt; Thomas R. Martin; Barbara Rosenwein; Bonnie Smith
The Making of the West, Volume 2
Understand the story of the West in the context of global connections  With all digital content now available in Macmillan’s breakthrough course platform, Achieve, The Making of the West tells the story of the cross-cultural, global exchanges that have shaped western history.  Achieve for The Making of the West comes loaded with the full-color ebook plus LearningCurve, an adaptive learning tool; the popular Sources of The Making of the West documents collection; additional primary sources; a wealth of assessment options; chapter summative quizzes; a robust reporting tool, and more to help students develop and grow their historical skills. The text provides primary sources in each chapter, a full-color map and art program, and comprehensive supplement options. The text is also available in a two-color Value Edition, which includes the unabridged narrative and select maps and images from the comprehensive text.
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