Kathleen McWhorter
Successful College Writing with 2021 MLA Update
The ebook has been updated to give your students the latest guidance on documenting sources in MLA style and follows the guidelines set forth in the MLA Handbook, 9th edition (April 2021). The eighth edition of Successful College Writing is available for the first time in Achieve, Macmillan’s new digital platform. Achieve was co-developed with instructors and students to support best practices in commenting on student drafts, and includes a full e-book, a set of reading comprehension quizzes, and fully customizable book-specific writing assignments. Successful College Writing moves first-year composition students—whatever their level of preparedness—toward achieving their goals in college through a unique visual approach and extra support for academic reading and writing. Kathleen T. McWhorter’s supportive, visual approach is evident in graphic organizers, flowcharts, and Guided Writing Assignments that provide hands-on writing activities and practical, step-by-step instruction for drafting and revising. In the eighth edition, McWhorter includes even more help for students learning how to write for an academic audience: New “Academic Writing” sections throughout Parts 1 and 2 show students how to accomplish the kinds of writing tasks they will be expected to complete  in college “Explore, Research, Write” assignments move students toward effective source-based writing “Just-in-Time Tips” call students’ attention to challenging features in a reading and offer strategies for understanding and thinking critically about that reading.
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