David M. Hillis; Mary V. Price; Richard W. Hill; David W. Hall; Marta J. Laskowski
Principles of Life Digital Update
Because success as a biologist means more than just succeeding in the first biology course. Research shows that when students engage with a course, it leads to better outcomes. Principles of Life 3e Digital Update is now supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning system for biology. Achieve supports PoL’s holistic solution that has been designed from the ground up to actively engage students in mastering concepts and becoming skilled at solving biological problems. Achieve includes thoughtfully curated assignments and activities to support pre-lecture preparation, in-class active learning, and post-lecture study and assessment. For instructors concerned that the practical skills of biology are lost when the student moves on to the next course or takes their first step into the “real world,” Principles of Life 3e Digital Update lays the foundation for later courses and for students’ careers. PoL’s pioneering concept-driven approach (it was the first book of its kind available), experimental data-driven exercises, and active learning focus, includes  features designed to involve students in mastering concepts and becoming skillful at solving biological problems. With its focus on key competencies foundational to biology education and careers, self-guided adaptive learning, and unparalleled instructor resources for active classrooms, Principles of Life with Achieve is the resource students need to succeed.
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