David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall
Exploring Psychology
With digital content available for the first time in the breakthrough online platform, Achieve, the new edition of Myers and DeWall’s bestseller, Exploring Psychology offers creative ways to help students connect with the course, retain psychology’s key principles, and do better in all their classes, not just psychology. Like all previous editions, the authors combine market-leading currency, fresh teaching ideas, fascinating applications, effective new study tools and technologies, and a compassionate and compelling storytelling voice. Myers and DeWall base their text on the same guiding principles that made Myers the world’s bestselling introductory psychology author: Facilitate understanding by teaching critical thinking, applying principles to students’ lives, and reinforcing learning at every step. Demonstrate that psychology is a science by showing the process of inquiry and sharing the field’s most exciting new discoveries. Emphasize psychology's big ideas, especially  respect for human unity and diversity--what drives us, distinguishes us, unifies us. With Achieve, our most powerful learning option is also our most affordable. Achieve brings all of the best aspects of the text and digital resources together in one place. Built on best practices in research in psychology and learning science, Achieve provides students with robust tools to succeed in their introductory course, while giving instructors insights into their students' understanding and performance. And it is the exclusive home of the extraordinary new resource, the Introductory Psychology Video Collection.
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