Janet Belsky
Experiencing the Lifespan
Available for the first time with Macmillan's new online learning platform, Achieve, Belsky’s popular text is more effective than ever at helping students reach new levels of understanding of developmental psychology. Belsky draws from a variety of cultures around the world to tell the story of human development, communicating the scientific understanding and human impact of developmental psychology in the highly conversational style of a great teacher. The new edition features significant research breakthroughs, effective pedagogy, and captivating examples drawn from throughout the world—and still is just the right length and level for a single-term course. And because students’ and instructors’ needs are changing, our most powerful learning option is also our most affordable. The Achieve platform sets a whole new standard for digital content delivery—especially for integrating assessments, activities, and analytics—and it is the exclusive home of extraordinary resources such as the Developmental Psychology Video Collection.  
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