From Faculty Focus: Creating Pockets of Joy, Humor, & Positivity in Face-to-Face & Online Courses

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As I think back over my 20 plus years of teaching introductory nutrition - usually to classes of 200 or more - the times we laughed together stand out.  Sometimes it was something I inadvertently said or did (some too embarrassing to share here!) or something a student shared (for example when asked about their childhood food "jags" one student share that his mom had to peel his hotdogs) or a humorous video that illustrated or added levity to a point or topic.  I loved seeing my students arrive in the classroom with a smile on their face - and to help maintain that smile.   I tried to not take myself too seriously, smile often (which isn't hard for me 😊), and tried to create a welcoming and warm environment to let my students know I loved and honored the privilege of teaching.  Humor not only engages students, but can reinforce learning and relationship.   I enjoyed the ideas shared by instructors and researchers in this Faculty Focus Live Podcast Creating Pockets of Joy, Humor, and Positivity in Your Face-to-Face and Online Class.  Would love to hear ways you make your students smile!   Use Reply below to let us know!  

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A colleague shared this 3 minute video about "diets"....  funny.  😀