Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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A question we seem to get more and more these days is how can LaunchPad help me flip my class? One tool people have used to help flip is to assign LearningCurve before class. But we have a new tool to share. The Video Assignment Tools available in every LaunchPad as of this fall are a perfect way to turn any video into a discussion board based assignment. The embedded rubric can also let you structure more formal assignments around any video. This include lessons you may have taped, or screen casts you may have done explaining concepts. As well as YouTube videos. We held a Webinar on this on October 7th and we had over 200 people attend. You can view the recording here. 

You can also learn more about Video Assignment Tools in our in product walk through -

Lastly for those who are looking for something different on the flipping front in Principles of Economics and in Algebra and Calc based Physics we offer a new product called FlipIt.  FlipIt is based on extensive published peer reviewed research and you can learn more about it at