Achieve Release 7.0 Summer 2021

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
0 1 1,580

Recently we had one of our major releases and there is some more new functionality in Achieve that you should know about. 

  • Students with 1 term access will be able to switch their course enrollment 
  • Student-specific assignments will no longer be visible to those students who aren't assigned the assignment 
  • Coordinators will be able to change Assessment grading settings at any time, from within NGA or the single assign widget, in their Section Manager
  • Instructors can edit or create their own multiple choice, multiple select, numeric entry, free response, and math equation questions for use in their Achieve courses. See the help article herebecky_anderson_0-1624453901528.png


  • Instructors can “favorite” assessment items that they really like so they are easy to find for later assessments or for use in other courses. See the help article here



  • Instructors will be able to grade writing assignments using the rubric score, with optional weighting for rubric criteria (only in English courses using Writing Tools). See the help article here






About the Author
I've been working in publishing since 1997, doing everything from the front desk to marketing and sales, and a few things in between. And I love working working with media and helping students succeed.
1 Comment
Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee

You can now see NATIONAL data for time on task for each LearningCurve Adaptive Quiz in Achieve: 

LC National Data.png


So the # on the top left of each LC is national info and the # on the top right is the data just for that particular class (so when you first open an LC and no students have done work, you will only see data on the left (national) and nothing on the right (until students do work). Fabulous stuff!