To Prezi or Not to Prezi?

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This blog was originally posted on October 24, 2013.

Prezi.  Either you love it, hate it, or have no idea what it is.  If you’re in the last category, go check out  Me? I’m in the first category.  I love its Web 2.0-ness, its fluidity, its boundlessness, its exploration of virtual space.  But haters hate and not without reason.  I’ve had more than one colleague complain about “Prezi-sickness” from endless zooming and swirling.  I point out that dismissing Prezi because of bad Prezis is akin to dismissing PowerPoint, which is almost always bad.

I’m thinking about the question now because the Dean needs a snazzy presentation for a donor event.  “Prezi!” I say.  “No!” my colleague says.

And what say you?

Migrated Account

I like Prezi a lot, but not everyone in my group feels the same. What other presentation programs do you recommend?

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee

I find it harder to put together than a standard PowerPoint - probably because I'm doing more actual thinking about the structure and the design.  However, I think Prezi makes for a much more engaging visual tool when presenting.

About the Author
Hello! I am the High School Marketing Manager for Social Studies and Science. I cover titles such as Myers' Psychology for AP*, Friedland/Relyea's Environmental Science for AP* and more! Prior to working as Marketing Manger, I was the New England and Upstate/Western NY High School sales representative. I currently live in Westerly, RI with my fiance Kyle and beagle Roscoe.