Bedford/St. Martin's at MLA 2021
Bedford/St. Martin's at MLA
Join our Bedford authors as they explore topics in literature and creative writing for our Virtual MLA webinar series:
Exploring Teaching Strategies in Literature and Creative Writing.
Effective Literary Arguments with
Literary Conversations with Joanne Diaz:Join Bedford Author Joanne Diaz (Literature: A Portable Anthology, Reading and Writing about Literature, and 40 Short Stories) as she discusses how literary selections are in conversation with one another and how she pairs selections in class. Dr. Diaz will be taking questions from attendees as well. |
Writing Creatively with Heather Sellers:Join Bedford Author Heather Sellers (The Practice of Creative Writing: A Guide for Students) as she addresses ideas for helping students become stronger writers. Three crucial skills elude student writers across the board—in creative writing classes, in literature courses, and in academic and professional writing. 1) What to focus on first—how to begin Sellers presents a sequence of practices that support new writers before they come to the page, in developing their ideas and creative thinking, and every step of the way. Dr. Sellers will be taking questions from attendees as well. |