Tweets from Standford's Introduction to Psychology Teaching Conference

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Originally posted on July 29, 2014.

July brought the pleasure of attending Stanford University’s introduction to psychology teaching conference, hosted by its Psych One program coordinator, Bridgette Martin Hard.

One of the 70 attendees was the indefatigable Sue Frantz, winner of multiple awards and citations for her contributions to the teaching of psychology (and to educating faculty about teaching technologies).  Frantz, who is also the Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Vice-President for Resources, tweeted conference highlights:

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 10

.@ericlandrum: Employers want effective communicators, critical thinkers, & those who can apply knowledge to rl #psychoneconference

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 10

.@ericlandrum book recommendation: Student Success in College. Review here:

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 10

E.Hardin: To stop group disc, silently raise hand, signaling stdts to stop talking & raise hands to signal others #psychoneconference [Slighted edited}

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 10

R.Jhangiani: Have you seen this article? Revisiting the Stanford Prison Study (2007).

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 10

R.Jhangiani: It's the Stanford Prison STUDY, not the Stanford Prison EXPERIMENT

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 10

D.Myers: To increase engagement, pack students into a small space. Stack extra chairs in the back. #psychoneconference

Retweeted by Worth TLC

Melissa Beers @mjbeers1 ·  Jul 11

When freshmen reappraise anxiety as arousal that can help them do better, academic performance improves. #psychoneconference

Worth TLC @WorthPsychTLC ·  Jul 11

S.Nolan: Free STP ebook Applying the Science of Learning to Education -

For many more of Sue Frantz’s tweets—and to read her frequent tweeting of news and research from psychological science—follow her and others at Worth Publishers’ faculty lounge.

How Best to Prepare Students for Life Success?

David Myers

One of the many delights from the Stanford’s recent conference on teaching introductory psychology was being with and hearing Boise State professor Eric Landrum.  The exuberant Landrum is a longtime teaching-of-psychology leader, researcher, and author—and the 2014 president of the Society of the Teaching of Psychology.

His presentation offered his “all-time favorite PowerPoint slide.”  It summarizes the conclusions of research by Michigan State’s Collegiate Employment Research Institute showing the main reasons why new college grads get fired.  These include: Lack of work ethic, failure to follow instructions, missing assignments or deadlines, and being late.

Sound familiar?  Landrum, who studies what helps students succeed, draws a moral from these findings:  By simulating a real world employer, and holding to standards, he is doing them a great favor.  He is preparing them for real world success.

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About the Author
David Myers has spent his entire teaching career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has been voted “outstanding professor” and has been selected by students to deliver the commencement address. His award-winning research and writings have appeared in over three dozen scientific periodicals and numerous publications for the general public. He also has authored five general audience books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. David Myers has chaired his city's Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for families in poverty, and spoken to hundreds of college and community groups. Drawing on his experience, he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in American assistive listening technology (see