RECAP: Nov. 17 Nutrition Coffee Break with authors Jamie Pope and Steve Nizielski

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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The Faculty Coffee Chat opened with a review of the Macmillan Teaching and Learning Nutrition Community. The authors post regularly with teaching tips and resources relevant to introductory nutrition along with updates on nutrition news and research. Nutrition faculty can visit Macmillan Learning Nutrition Community to access an array of resources and references. Attendees were shown a sampling of posts in the Nutrition Community including where to find resources and links for the new 2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines as well as ideas for assignments, projects, and handouts.   Visit the Nutrition Community regularly for new posts!   

Nancy Bradshaw, Macmillan Marketing Manager, gave a brief demo of the exciting new online platform ACHIEVE with features and functionalities that reflect feedback from instructors and students and built off Learning Science. ACHIEVE will be available for adoption for Spring 2022 semester. There are some great new features:

  • Instructors can now select a fully pre-curated course (still editable) that provides a pre-built course framework or can build their own.
  • Includes an eBook that can be highlighted and even read aloud! It also has an improved notetaking option that can be saved in a virtual notebook.
  • The Real-World Nutrition activities have been re-envisioned and are now aligned with each chapter and spotlight!   
  • iClicker is integrated with Achieve and students get it free!
  • You can schedule a personal demo of Achieve to learn more at (scroll down to Nutrition)

The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 and Digital Update version of the Nutrition for a Changing World 2e is available for use in Spring classes in January 2022! Jamie and Steve shared that they went through each chapter and spotlight for warranted updates related to the DGA as well as identifying and updating pertinent statistics, survey data, and infographics. This link provides an overview as well as how to find your publisher representative to learn more or acquire a review copy.  

Scientific American Nutrition for a Changing World: Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 & Dig...