Number one "back to school" question - What did you do on your summer vacation?

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I am sure you were asked this question in elementary or even higher grades the first day or week of school.   A great opportunity to learn more about classmates and even experiences and destinations.   I've just returned - and recovering - from a week in Orlando with my family squeezing in all the parks - and I mean, all the parks - Seaworld, Universal, and the Disney parks.   I was struck while sipping a beer in Germany (Epcot) just how many higher ed disciplines were represented in some way across all the parks -  just as examples:  architecture and design (my daughter is in architectural grad school so was fun to see all the representations across countries and the designs of futuristic and whimsical attractions); management (just how do they do it?), and history (bummed that the Hall of Presidents was closed as they add our newest president).   As for nutrition, I loved the opportunity to sample cuisines in Epcot and noted that all the parks seemed to make an effort at providing plant-based options and "healthier" alternatives.   I noticed the Disney Check icon on menu boards and learned that they've recently established Disney Nutrition Guidelines Criteria to promote vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean protein items.   An interesting and relevant activity would be to have students explore and discuss the criteria - and how they feel the use of icons might influence consumer behavior and under what circumstances.   

What did you do on YOUR summer vacation and how might you share your experiences and observations to generate discussion and input from your students?   

About the Author
Jamie Pope, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University, has worked in the areas of obesity research, health promotion, heart disease prevention, and since 2000 teaching introductory nutrition. Beyond the classroom, she adapted portions of her nutrition courses to produce a Massive Open Online Course attracting more than 175,000 participants from around the world. This experience earned Jamie an Innovation in Teaching award from the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. She is the co-author of the textbook entitled Nutrition for a Changing World. Now in its second edition, the text is in use in over 140 universities across the U.S. and the recipient of a 2020 Textbook Excellence Award. Most recently she developed and produced an audio course for (Nutrition 101: Understanding the Science and Practice of Eating Well) that is also featured on platforms like Apple Books and Audible. Jamie holds a Master’s of Science degree in Nutrition and post graduate work in Health Psychology. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jamie is an active member and serves on the board of the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. She has authored or contributed to numerous scientific and popular press publications. Jamie also held several corporate positions, serving as nutrition consultant and media representative.