Navigating Disordered Eating in Nutr Ed: Adapting Assignments&Course Material for Student Well-Being

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Webinar, Wednesday May 2: Navigating Disordered Eating in Nutrition Education: Adapting Assignments and Course Material for St...

 As nutrition instructors we encounter students that are vulnerable to, struggling with, or recovering from a variety of eating disorders.   Just how to approach and accommodate these students so as not to trigger or exacerbate developing or existing disorders can be a challenge. It can be a dilemma because the learning goal of these assignments can be of benefit to many students, but again not appropriate for all.... I am thrilled that the Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is considering this challenge in a live webinar on Wednesday, May 2 from 12-1pm Central/1-2m Eastern time.  Register here: Info below:

Description: This webinar is designed for university-level nutrition professors who want to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for students with disordered eating. The webinar focuses on exploring strategies for modifying nutrition assignments and course material to be more sensitive and supportive of students with diverse experiences. Specifically, the webinar will focus on adapting the 3-day diet assessment, a common nutrition assignment, to support students with disordered eating.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the impact of nutrition assignments on students with disordered eating, and will learn how to create a supportive classroom culture that promotes student well-being. The webinar will provide practical tools and strategies for adapting assignments and course material, including principles of trauma-informed teaching and best practices for using empathetic language. Additionally, participants will learn about additional resources and support services that can be provided to students with disordered eating and other mental health concerns.

By the end of the webinar, participants will have a better understanding of how to navigate sensitive topics related to disordered eating in nutrition education, and will be equipped with practical tools and strategies to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, including those with disordered eating.

CPE Level: 2
Performance Indicators: 9.4.3, 2.1.3, 1.7.3

Learning Objectives
Identify common triggers for students with disordered eating in nutrition education assignments and course material.
Analyze the potential impact of nutrition assignments on students with disordered eating, and understand the importance of creating a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Develop strategies for modifying the 3-day diet assessment and other nutrition assignments to support students with disordered eating.
Apply principles of trauma-informed teaching to create a nurturing classroom culture that supports student well-being.
Explore ways to adapt course material and lectures to promote sensitivity and inclusivity in nutrition education.
Discuss the role of language and communication in creating a supportive classroom environment, and practice using empathetic language in class discussions and interactions with students.
Consider additional resources and support services that can be provided to students with disordered eating and other mental health concerns.
Courtney Vickery MS, RD, LD

Courtney Vickery is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Yoga Teacher. As an eating disorder survivor herself, she is passionate about providing nutrition services that are based in Intuitive Eating and weight inclusivity.

She holds bachelors degrees in political science and dietetics, as well as a Masters degree in Foods & Nutrition at the University of Georgia. She completed her Dietetic Internship and Graduate Certificate in Gerontology at the University of Georgia as well.

Before opening her nutrition private practice, she has worked as a clinical dietitian, outpatient & wellness dietitian, group fitness manager, and healthcare administrator. Most recently she served as the Interim Director of the Dietetic Internship at the University of Georgia.

In addition to her private practice, she is currently serving as the president of the Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association and is an instructor in the Foods & Nutrition Department at the University of Georgia.

She lives in the Athens area with her husband of over 12 years, their daughter, son, and 2 cats, and 1 dog.

About the Author
Jamie Pope, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University, has worked in the areas of obesity research, health promotion, heart disease prevention, and since 2000 teaching introductory nutrition. Beyond the classroom, she adapted portions of her nutrition courses to produce a Massive Open Online Course attracting more than 175,000 participants from around the world. This experience earned Jamie an Innovation in Teaching award from the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. She is the co-author of the textbook entitled Nutrition for a Changing World. Now in its second edition, the text is in use in over 140 universities across the U.S. and the recipient of a 2020 Textbook Excellence Award. Most recently she developed and produced an audio course for (Nutrition 101: Understanding the Science and Practice of Eating Well) that is also featured on platforms like Apple Books and Audible. Jamie holds a Master’s of Science degree in Nutrition and post graduate work in Health Psychology. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jamie is an active member and serves on the board of the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. She has authored or contributed to numerous scientific and popular press publications. Jamie also held several corporate positions, serving as nutrition consultant and media representative.