March is National Nutrition Month "Celebrate a World of Flavors" - some ideas for class!

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Every year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics sponsors National Nutrition Month in March.   This year's theme is "Celebrate a World of Flavors" with a focus on cultural diversity and exploring tastes and dishes from around the globe.  You can find a NNM toolkit on the Academy's website with a variety of helpful resources including tips for adding foods, spices, and dishes from other cuisines. I gave a presentation to an undergraduate student organization where I shared a few of the resources, but also did a bit of "traveling through taste".   With travel restrictions during the pandemic many people are seeking authentic culinary experiences closer to home by experimenting with new recipes or dining out.   As this group of 100 or more students have diverse ethnic backgrounds we asked students to share a recipe representative of their culture - including different regions of the U.S prior to the meeting.    We also took a look at different countries and regions and how climate, agriculture, the economy, cultural traditions, and more might impact eating patterns and food choice - and even dietary recommendations.   I love photo journalist Peter Menzel's work and his book Hungry Planet - here's a link to some of the images of  a week's worth of food from around the world!  The National Geographic's "How the World Eats" is also an interesting site to explore and discuss!   Here's a link to the slide presentation from that meeting - feel free to use or edit!   Best.   Jamie

Global cuisine.png

About the Author
Jamie Pope, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University, has worked in the areas of obesity research, health promotion, heart disease prevention, and since 2000 teaching introductory nutrition. Beyond the classroom, she adapted portions of her nutrition courses to produce a Massive Open Online Course attracting more than 175,000 participants from around the world. This experience earned Jamie an Innovation in Teaching award from the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. She is the co-author of the textbook entitled Nutrition for a Changing World. Now in its second edition, the text is in use in over 140 universities across the U.S. and the recipient of a 2020 Textbook Excellence Award. Most recently she developed and produced an audio course for (Nutrition 101: Understanding the Science and Practice of Eating Well) that is also featured on platforms like Apple Books and Audible. Jamie holds a Master’s of Science degree in Nutrition and post graduate work in Health Psychology. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jamie is an active member and serves on the board of the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. She has authored or contributed to numerous scientific and popular press publications. Jamie also held several corporate positions, serving as nutrition consultant and media representative.