Katharine Boraz
Katharine Boraz
Department: English Composition and Reading; Highly Supported English (Corequisite model); Literature and Critical Thinking
School: MiraCosta College
Product: Achieve for The Hub; Achieve for Literature: A Portable Anthology (Gardner et. al.)
How do you use Achieve? Achieve is the main source of content for my English Composition class, my Highly Supported English class (coreq.), and my Literature and Critical Thinking class. My students access readings and lessons through Achieve. All writing assignments are assigned through Achieve, which makes them easier to grade and easier to use for peer reviews. My students also use the Checkpoint Surveys and the Grammar Diagnostics. Checkpoint surveys help students reflect on their study skills and their non-cognitive skills such as time management. The grammar diagnostics tailor the learning content for each individual student. That way, I know students are learning in their particular areas of need.
Any advice on using technology with students? Most of our students come to us with some level of technological experience. However, every new platform needs some introduction to help students understand its use. I find that a few introductory demonstrations are all that's needed for students to navigate through Achieve and use its various tools. My classes are fully online, so Achieve has made integrating course content with my Canvas courses easy both for students and for me.
If you integrate with an LMS, which LMS? I do a deep integration with Canvas for all my courses.