Eric Parsons
Eric Parsons
Department: Economics
School: University of Missouri-Columbia
Product: Achieve for Cowen/Tabarrok's Modern Principles: Microeconomics
How do you use Achieve? I use Achieve as one of the main learning resources for my Principles of Microeconomics (in-person) and Economic Analysis of Public Policy (online) courses. For both of these courses, Achieve is used for e-book access (no paper book is required) and for homework assignment and grading. For my Principles class, I also assign the pre-class tutorials and make several of the other learning resources available as non-graded study aids. The homework assignments for both courses use the pre-built Achieve homework assignments as a base, which are then supplemented with further question bank and custom questions to round out the assignments.
Any advice on using technology with students? Keep things simple, consistent, and organized. Only bring in new technology if it truly adds something of value to the course and helps meets the course and instructional goals.
If you integrate with an LMS, which LMS? Canvas