Dr. Amanda J. Norbutus



Dr. Amanda J. Norbutus

Department: Chemistry

School: Valencia College

Product: Achieve for Interactive General Chemistry (1-Term Access) (I have previously used Sapling.)

How do you use Achieve? I use Achieve for pre-lecture assessments (Learning Curve), interactive student worksheets and activities, as well as the homework and student self-reflection surveys. 

Any advice on using technology with students? During the first week of class, I make students complete a practice assignment in Achieve, so they know how to access the program.  I also spent time that week logging into Achieve from my LMS, as well as showing students the tricks of using the ebook, like highlighting and using notes, as well as finding content videos in our book.

If you integrate with an LMS, which LMS?  I integrate with Canvas.

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‎07-15-2021 08:13 AM
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