Denise Cady Arbeau



Denise Cady Arbeau

Department: First Year and Foundational Literacy

School:  North Shore Community College (MA)

Product: Achieve for Hub with 2020 APA Update 

How do you use Achieve? I use Achieve and The Hub in my ALP course as the main source of content.

Advice on using technology with students: Embrace it! I've become so much more organized in my teaching because all of the content is easily accessible and flexible to my course's needs.  I am also more relaxed knowing that students have access to the content from Day One of the semester, and my students experience a seamless course delivery.  It was a lifesaver when we had to quickly change modalities--my ALP students did not have to adjust to much change because they were already quite familiar with accessing the course materials online.

LMS Integration (if any): Blackboard

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Last update:
‎07-15-2021 11:28 AM
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