What's New in Achieve for Spring 2023

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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Thanks to feedback from instructors, new features for Spring 2023 make Achieve even easier to use and offer familiar experiences for those who are moving from LaunchPad.


Available now! Reusing content across courses


You can reuse the content you create and upload to Achieve (think custom assessments and writing assignments) across your courses, without having to copy the entire Achieve course.


Coming soon! Adjusting due dates from term to term


When copying an Achieve course, new options will allow you to adjust due dates automatically based on the first assignment due date you set, use the same exact due dates as the course you're copying, or not copy any due dates.  


Coming soon! Bulk due date extensions


A new option will be added to the My Course page allowing you to create multiple due date extensions at one time for a single student or a group of students.