We’ve made some great changes to Achieve for Fall 2020!

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
6 2 10.3K

Throughout the spring and summer, we’ve been listening to you and working on ways we can keep improving Achieve to make your experience and your students’ experience with the product better. As a result, here’s a long list of what you’ll see changed for Fall 2020 classes (and all of this is live as of today, save one noted item).


Start of Classes: 

Students who attempt to register into an LMS deep linked course via the Achieve “enroll in a new course” option will see a message directing them to use their LMS. Instructors who attempt to use the “invite students” functionality will see a message alerting them that this invite functionality is not available to deep linked courses. 


My Course:

Under My Course, we have combined the Assignments and Course Plan tabs into one place, but with a filter that will allow you to select your View by Assignment or Course Content or Resource type.






The Browse tab has been retitled as Resources and the content reorganized and renamed to make it easier to find materials. In addition, we altered the view a bit so you can see more of the item name when you are selecting materials. In addition, we added a ‘select all’ option so you can find a series of content items, select and assign them at once. 





We added navigation to make it easier to get back ‘home’ when you are in another part of Achieve.




Section Management:

If you are using Section Management, instructors will now always see “View Sections” that will take them to a list of their sections. Sections are now listed on a single page (or more than one page, if you have over 100 sections).

Section Coordinators can now add and remove questions from their assessments after students have started working and then push those updates down to restricted access sections. Once students have started the assessment in any of the sections, coordinators will see a new option that allows them to add and remove questions (but not to edit questions). 


Orientation Quiz: 

Each course will have an Orientation Quiz for you to assign to students (within the Welcome folder) to help students quickly understand how to work in Achieve. 


Time Accommodations:

As part of the assignment settings, instructors will have the option to add a time accommodation for students who get additional time on particular (or all) assignments. (This will be live before Fall 2020 classes start, but is not available yet.) 


Batch Assignments:

We have added the option to batch update gradebook category & assignment visibility, as well as the option to batch update assessment grading policies. (The latter is not in Read & Practice.) There is a new “add select all option” to the content library.



Instructor-Created Content:

You will be able to name files and links while uploading your materials to the course. We have also added the option to rename files, assessments, writing assignments and links after those materials have already been added to the course. 



In certain types of Assignments, we added tags to show if the answer is correct or has been revealed, and we added a new visual to show when the assignment is complete. 





Instructors now have the ability to add weights to Gradebook categories. And for LearningCurve Adaptive Quizzing assignments, instructors and students can view the date and time when a student reaches the target score.  




Diagnostics / Study Plan (only in English and Chemistry):

The study plan completion selector has more options (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) for the instructor to assign to students. In addition, for instructors, we combined pre- and final tests into a single reporting page for easier viewing. 



Side by Side View of Writing Tools (English Only)

Instructors can turn on a side-by-side view to see any draft alongside the current draft including peer reviews, view comments from previous feedback, and highlight and comment in this side by side view. 

Students can also turn on a side-by-side view to review instructor feedback and access content support just as they would in full screen mode. Students will also be able to draft in side-by-side mode, use simple format commands and access their revision plan and mark tasks complete.


Updates to Peer Review with Comment Tool (English Only)

Instructors are able to quickly scan all peer review comments made by a single peer reviewer and leave a comment. Instructors can come back any time and revise the comment to the student as new peer review activity happens. In addition, instructors can click on selected text and be taken to that spot in the draft for comment context.


Improved Peer Review Submission Tool (English Only)

With this new view, instructors can now efficiently monitor peer review activity from a single view. Instructors can click in to view peer writer submission and leave a comment, as needed.




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New Contributor
New Contributor

Significant improvements, especially the more extensive screen visibility, and additional resources selection. Good job, and thanks!

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee

We also created a few quick resources for explanations on "How do I?" in Achieve. There's one version for people who are used to LaunchPad and one version for people who are familiar with Sapling. If you're new to Achieve and have not used LaunchPad or Sapling before, either "How Do I" document will work. Good luck!