Spotlight on Students: Study Tools for Busy Schedules

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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Over the last few years, learning loss has been a real concern for both students and instructors. With the right tools, students can get back on track. Macmillan Learning’s digital learning platform, Achieve, provides students with what they need to be successful, whether they’re enrolled in an in-person, hybrid, or fully online course. Achieve’s adaptive quizzes are tailored to individual students, so they get the feedback they need based on their performance in the course. The Goal-setting and Reflection Surveys also allow students to establish their own goals, and then Achieve provides students with a roadmap on how to reach those goals. In-class and exit polling with iClicker then give instructors the information they need from students to continue curbing learning loss.

Disclaimer: This is an actress, but is based on real feedback from our annual student user survey!