Solving Problems Through Innovation

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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As we continue to develop new products like Achieve and iClicker, we know there is core functionality that we need to think about, but we also want to make sure that we’re not forgetting to think about big picture, game-changing ideas as well. 

To that end, Macmillan has started an Innovation Pitch program. This process allows any person in the company to submit an innovation pitch for the Achieve team’s evaluation, thinking about a problem that needs to be solved and a viable route to success. This fall, we had twelve submissions that resulted in “pitches” from six different teams. All of the ideas were well-thought out, varied, and really interesting! (And yes, I can say that since absolutely none were from me!) Since that time, those six teams have been researching, interviewing, prototyping, and more to further their ideas into solutions that will make your lives (and those of your students) easier. 

Not all of these innovation ideas will make it to our products, and that's a good thing! We want each idea to be heavily scrutinized in order to ensure we're delivering the best solutions possible.  But keep a lookout for more great new stuff coming from Macmillan Learning and Achieve. This is the stuff that makes working at and with Macmillan such fun!

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About the Author
I've been working in publishing since 1997, doing everything from the front desk to marketing and sales, and a few things in between. And I love working working with media and helping students succeed.