e-Books in Achieve vs. Just e-Books

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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Last year we had a campaign entitled, “Surround your e-book in luxury with  Achieve.” But recently, we had someone suggest that we should start by talking about the benefits of using your e-book in Achieve--even if you aren’t going to use all the other assets that might come with your digital platform. 

Why use the e-book in Achieve?

Students get longer access to e-books in Achieve

When your students purchase one term access to Achieve, they can download the e-book for offline use for four years!  That downloadable e-book comes with all the features of the standalone e-book purchase: highlighting, notetaking, flashcards, search, and more. (When students purchase a standalone e-book, they most frequently purchase the one with the shortest time span of access as it’s the lowest cost, so using Achieve provides the best value and gives students access to the e-book for longer than they likely would have had it if they just bought the book alone.) 

e-Books have added features in Achieve

The e-book in Achieve is enhanced as compared to the e-book in VitalSource. In Achieve, we offer books with embedded multimedia (such as videos to explain concepts) as well as quizzes (where you students can see the question and get immediate feedback on their answer). This additional functionality allows students to use the e-book even more to further their conceptual understanding of key concepts in the course. 

You can assign reading, quizzes and more in Achieve

In Achieve, you can assign the e-book for your students to read. This means you can make suggestions about pacing (Chapter 1 should be done by this date) and reinforce the importance of the e-book so students come to class prepared for discussion. You can assign each part of the reading for points, if you’d like, or no points; that approach is up to you and how you want to structure your course.  You can even tag the e-book as something you’d like completed as Pre-Class or Post-Class, again, depending on what works for you and your course. 

Beyond assigning the e-book to simply read, some of the assessments in Achieve incorporate the e-book to further encourage student reading. For instance, our adaptive quizzing tool allows students to work through the formative quiz  with the e-book open--encouraging students to read to find the answer with no penalty as an introduction to the topic. 


In sum, there are a few reasons why students would benefit from using the e-book in Achieve--beyond all the additional luxurious items that are available in Achieve for you and your students. Check it out today!  

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About the Author
I've been working in publishing since 1997, doing everything from the front desk to marketing and sales, and a few things in between. And I love working working with media and helping students succeed.
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