Achieve Improvements: Spring 2021

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
1 1 7,525

2021 is off to a great start and we have improvements to Achieve to note already! 

  • Students with multi-term access will be able to transfer their enrollment to a second semester deep integrated course
  • Deleted iClicker sessions will no longer be included in the Achieve gradebook
  • From within the Achieve e-book, students and instructors can access "read aloud" text to speech features from within course readings. (Note, available on iOS outside of the Macmillan app)
  • From within the Achieve e-book, students and instructors can access content formatting options like font size, font type, line height and background color from within course readings.



About the Author
I've been working in publishing since 1997, doing everything from the front desk to marketing and sales, and a few things in between. And I love working working with media and helping students succeed.
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Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee

If you want to see a quick video on how the e-book works in Achieve, check this out: