All shanifisher's Badges

shanifisher has earned 11 badges!
  • Welcome!
    Earned by 34,919
    It's great to see you!
  • Welcome Back!
    Welcome Back!
    Earned by 12,509
    It's great to see you again!
  • Visitor
    Earned by 718
    Back for more? we're pleased to see you again.
  • Spectator
    Earned by 92
    50 logins - this is becoming a habit!
  • First Kudo
    First Kudo
    Earned by 655
    Congratulations on receiving your 1st kudo!
  • Applause
    Earned by 215
    Congratulations, you've received 5 kudos!
  • Laurels
    Earned by 117
    You've received 10 kudos! You have fans!
  • Kudo Giver
    Kudo Giver
    Earned by 946
    Thanks! You've given 1 kudos.
  • Supporter
    Earned by 180
    Thanks! You've given 5 kudos.
  • First Blog
    First Blog
    Earned by 225
    Good job on your first blog post!
  • Blogger
    Earned by 103
    5 blog posts, keep up the good work!