On-Demand Webinar: Exam Prep in a Remote Learning Environment: AP® Literature and AP® Language

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Suddenly, we are living in a whole new world. In this webinar, author Kate Cordes will discuss how to make the most of the final month leading up to the AP ®️ Literature and Language exams now that teaching and learning must happen from a distance. She will offer suggestions for how to utilize BFW’s online resources, AP®️ Classroom’s progress checks and questions banks, or your own units and assessments to determine student strengths and weaknesses. The webinar will also offer helpful text suggestions that target the skills most often emphasized in the new CEDs. Finally, we will share ways to support your students as they prepare for the revised online exams.


About Kate Cordes

Kate Cordes is a National Board Certified English Teacher who currently teaches 10th grade English, 12th grade English, and AP®️ English Literature at Skyview High School. She received her undergraduate degree in English, Psychology, and Medieval Studies from St. Olaf College and spent a year at Oxford University studying Medieval and 20th-century British Literature. With a master's degree in education from Montana State University-Billings, she focuses her teaching efforts on writing instruction, technology integration, and becoming the best teacher and leader possible.

The Language of Composition 

Literature & Composition