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Showing articles with label AP® Literature.
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Macmillan Employee
09:25 AM
Ideas in Argument and Ideas in Literature offer a perfect match to the CED Framework for AP® Lang and AP® Lit. If you're putting together an AP® English course that will hit all the Big Ideas and Enduring Understandings as well as a well-scaffolded approach to Skills -- these are the textbooks for you and your students.
But how do they work together as companion volumes? If your school or district offers both AP® English courses, you might like to see how the Ideas books complement each other. Perhaps you're sharing the English courses with colleagues and want to coordinate efforts!
We've created an infographic that will give you all the details you need, at a quick glance, plus you can order examination copies of either or both books!
Ideas in Argument and Ideas in Literature -- a perfect match to both the CED Framework and to each other!
Check it out here: https://go.macmillanlearning.com/rs/122-CFG-317/images/bfw-ideas-perfect-match-infographic.pdf?version=0
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AP® Language
AP® Literature

Macmillan Employee
10:06 AM
Ideas in Argument and Ideas in Literature
by John Williamson, Mary Jo Zell, & Elizabeth Davis
#1 - Emphasize the importance of IDEAS
Ideas lead students beyond the literal
Ideas provide a broader context for analyzing all texts (fiction and nonfiction)
Idea-focused reading annotations lead to deeper understanding and more insightful analysis
Ideas combined with perspective or insight result in understanding a writer’s purpose or theme
Idea-focused thesis statements and lines of reasoning create a unified and sophisticated argument
#2 - Teach the Big Idea Workshops at the beginning of each unit
Frame instruction using the “I do - We do - You do” model
I do - review the student-friendly lessons, relevant examples, and helpful reference tables
We do - guide students through the practice text with targeted skill focus
You do - allow students to apply their knowledge with a text perfectly paired to the targeted skill
Use the workshop texts that were chosen to align with the targeted skill (no need to recreate the wheel), OR if you wish, substitute a text focused on the same skill (these questions will need very little tweaking).
Encourage students to use and study the reference tables. Because of the overlap in composition skills (e.g., thesis, line of reasoning, evidence, and commentary) and analysis skills (e.g., ideas, perspective, author choices, purpose/theme), the consistent format and content in the reference tables will foster useful transfer skills.
#3 - Put it All Together in the Idea Collections
Build students’ knowledge base for providing context in their analysis with the Ideas Collections introductions.
Use the skill-focused questions to encourage deeper understanding by examining how rhetorical and literary choices work together to reveal purpose and meaning in a text.
Encourage more precise and nuanced analysis through the increasing difficulty of the cumulative course skills.
Fulfill curricular requirements (if applicable) for American and British historical and literary periods with anchor texts in each Idea Collection.
#4 - Develop Process Writing Skills with Scaffolded Instruction
Teach the writing process with composition workshops designed to build skills that will transfer to FRQ success.
Language workshops include assignments for the methods of development, the building blocks for arguments
Literature workshops include assignments for each major element of literature
Guide students from composition basics to sophisticated arguments with the scaffolded instruction, templates, and models
Emphasize the parallel between reading and writing skills by connecting the instruction from the reading and writing workshops in each unit
#5 - Prepare Students for On-Demand Writing with Consistent Steps
Frame writing instruction using the “I do - We do - You do” model
I do - guide students through the targeted instruction in the consistent 4-step process for each type of Free Response Question aligned to APⓇ Classroom
We do - review a practice prompt and text with targeted skill focus and model responses for each step in the workshop
You do - allow students to apply their knowledge with a practice prompt and text perfectly paired to the targeted skill (or substitute your own prompt and passage if you wish)
Utilize reference tables, models, and templates to assist students in building their writing skills
Emphasize the increasing difficulty of the reading and writing skills as students are asked to write with more complexity and sophistication
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AP® Language
AP® Literature

Macmillan Employee
10:04 AM
Ideas in Argument and Ideas in Literature
by John Williamson, Mary Jo Zell, & Elizabeth Davis
As the authors of Ideas in Argument and Ideas in Literature, we get asked quite a lot not only what sets our textbooks apart from other excellent books on the market, but also why schools should adopt both books in the Ideas series. We love to talk about how these books, taught in conjunction with one another, impact the classroom by providing everything teachers have asked for to impact student success in the classroom and on the APⓇ exam. We know that IDEAS are at the heart of our reading and writing experiences, and that our students learn to engage with each other and the world around them when they realize that IDEAS MATTER.
Ideas in Argument and Ideas in Literature are among the first textbooks of their kind – written after the College Board released the current Course and Exam Descriptions (CEDs) for the APⓇ English Language and APⓇ English Literature courses. The Ideas textbooks are not retrofitted to the updated framework, but were created specifically to teach the knowledge and skills of each course through the parallel units. In short, when teachers follow the nine units in each textbook in the Ideas series, they are teaching the recommended framework, sequencing the material so that the skills scaffold and spiral for maximum student outcomes.
BOTH textbooks in the Ideas Series share these features (and many more):
Direct alignment to the framework and skills in the College Board Course and Exam Descriptions (CED)
All units divided into four consistent sections
Consistent pedagogical model for reading and writing instruction that fosters student growth
User-friendly design and format that emphasize an instructional model for student growth
Big Idea workshops written in a student-friendly voice
Key points and Insider Tips to guide instruction
Perfect pairing of texts to skills followed by skill-focused questions
Targeted intentional skills practice in reading and writing throughout all units
Reference Tables and Graphic Organizers that guide student growth and practice
Idea banks connect historical and contemporary contexts to readings to build sophistication
Two Idea-centered text collections with diverse texts per unit allow for teacher choice
Composition Workshops for process writing in each unit with models, graphic organizers, and templates
Free-response Workshops in each unit that follow four consistent steps to build student skills
Multiple Choice Practice in each unit aligned to APⓇ Classroom along with additional test bank
Robust teacher’s edition contains everything a teacher needs – like having a “mentor in a book”
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AP® Language
AP® Literature

Macmillan Employee
12:52 PM
This workshop invites participants to explore trauma-informed teaching practices that benefit all students and contribute to a "compassionate" teaching environment. It begins with an overview of trauma, its impact on learning, and trauma-informed teaching principles before addressing strategies teachers can use to support trauma-informed teaching.
Participants should bring one story of how trauma has impacted their teaching as well as a policy, document, or practice used frequently in their own teaching.
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AP® Language
AP® Literature
Pre-AP® 9th and 10th grade

Macmillan Employee
12:42 PM
There are several ways to teach AP® Literature, so how do you choose which way is best for your classroom? Join authors Renee Shea, Kate Cordes, and Carlos Escobar with BFW contributor Doranna Tindle as they discuss how to align your course to the CED and teach essential AP® Literature skills without losing flexibility in your course. Then, take a deep dive into a lesson from the third edition of Literature & Composition, featuring Nella Larsen’s Passing.
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AP® Literature

Community Manager
07:28 AM
Since its first edition, Literature & Composition was designed specifically for the AP® English Literature course. Its unique structure of skill-building opening chapters combined with an engaging thematic anthology provides the flexibility you need to plan your year and differentiate based on your students’ needs. In this edition, the book you know and love now fully aligns to the new AP® Course and Exam Description.
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AP® Literature

Community Manager
07:10 AM
In this webinar Renee Shea, Robin Aufses, Megan Pankiewicz, and Kate Cordes will reflect on the new AP® Language Scoring Guide and the 2021 AP® Exam results and discuss ways to prepare for the 2022 exam. They will also discuss how we can utilize available tools to engage our students beyond preparing for the exam and get them actively reading and analyzing.
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AP® Language
AP® Literature
Pre-AP® 9th and 10th grade

Community Manager
08:58 AM
This slide deck contains a combination of “The College Board Pacing Guide for Flipped Classrooms” for AP English Literature and Composition and a modified pacing guide for Literature & Composition, 2e.
Feel free to use it for the remainder of the 2021 school year to prepare for the exam in May.
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AP® Literature

Macmillan Employee
11:35 AM
This school year—and our world—looks quite different than ever before. From an upcoming, future-shaping election, to youth-led climate change protests, dynamic social justice movements, and virtual learning as the norm, the 'new normal' that can challenge student attention. However, these realities also offer opportunities to introduce relevant content in your AP English course in ways that encourage students to develop the skills necessary to read and write at the college level. In this webinar, BFW English authors Robin Aufses, Megan Pankiewicz, Larry Scanlon and Renee Shea will present strategies, multi-media content and structured curricular tools to guide teachers in using 'elephants in the room' to engage students in deeper learning. Webinar attendees will:
discuss key current events that may present challenges to student engagement and lesson-planning in the current educational landscape
explore specific strategies for using current events content to engage students in meaningful ways around themes of Social Justice, Sports, Environment and Community
review a classroom-ready instructional approach (e.g., graphic organizer, analytical framework) for each of the strategies shared
examine the features of an expertly-constructed AP Language program that provides ready-to-implement tools for engaging students, while also providing flexibility in lesson planning
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AP® Language
AP® Literature

Macmillan Employee
03:17 PM
For fifteen years, Bedford, Freeman & Worth High School Publishers has focused on delivering top quality resources to support AP® teachers and students, including the soon-to-be released Literature & Composition, 3e and the brand new Ideas in Argument textbooks.
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AP® Language
AP® Literature
Pre-AP® 9th and 10th grade

Macmillan Employee
04:08 PM
Thank you for expressing interest in our Course Tours! If you're already signed in to the community, you will be able to access English Course Tours by clicking the button below. If you are not signed in, you will need to sign in or create an account* to view all available Course Tours. For step-by-step login instructions, click here.
*Note: New accounts must be verified and verification may take up to two business days. Once verified, you will be able to access all our premium content, including course tours!
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AP® Language
AP® Literature
Pre-AP® 9th and 10th grade

Community Manager
01:26 PM
Dive into our AP® Language program for Literature & Composition, Second Edition. Learn more about this program here.
Literature & Composition
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Literature & Composition

Carol Jago; Renee H. Shea; Lawrence Scanlon; Robin Dissin Aufses
Literature & Composition
Language Arts
AP® Literature

Community Manager
11:27 AM
Revision based on classroom feedback
Inspiring readers
Questions: How they guide your lessons
Close Reading: Analyzing poetry
Incorporating rich shorter works
Analyzing short works
Full-length works and Texts in Context
Literature & Composition
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Literature & Composition

Carol Jago; Renee H. Shea; Lawrence Scanlon; Robin Dissin Aufses
Literature & Composition
Language Arts
AP® Literature

Macmillan Employee
02:38 PM
Looking for exam prep resources? We've included the CED at a glance, graphic organizer, and rubric below for AP® Lit. You can also check out our webinar dedicated to this topic! In this webinar, author Kate Cordes will discuss how to make the most of the final month leading up to the AP® Literature and Language exams now that teaching and learning must happen from a distance. She will offer suggestions for how to utilize BFW’s online resources, AP® Classroom’s progress checks and questions banks, or your own units and assessments to determine student strengths and weaknesses. The webinar will also offer helpful text suggestions that target the skills most often emphasized in the new CEDs. Finally, we will share ways to support your students as they prepare for the revised online exams.
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AP® Literature
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
02:21 PM
Bedford, Freeman & Worth High School Publishers (BFW) is widely considered “the AP® publisher,” and we take that role very seriously. Because of this, we feel it necessary to lay all cards on the table so you know exactly what is being offered for your teachers now – and in the future. View the attached flyer or visit our AP® Updates site to learn more.
The Language of Composition
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The Language of Composition

Renee Shea; Lawrence Scanlon; Robin Dissin Aufses; Megan Harowitz Pankiewicz
The Language of Composition
Language Arts
AP® Language
AP® Literature
AP® Language
38 -
AP® Literature
32 -
Pre-AP® 9th and 10th grade
25 -
11 -
Virtual Learning
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Macmillan Employee
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