Your Well is Not Dry

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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You are not alone

Food insecurity is a big conversation on a lot of college campuses. As of 2018, it was found that one in three traditional college students (full-time college students) are food insecure and 71% of total college students (full-time and part time) report food insecurity (Feeding America, 2019). These numbers are scary for some and empowering for others. Often, many students who experience insecurity feel as though they are the only ones and do not quite know where to go to improve their situation. 

A few ideas come to the forefront that should be discussed. The first being SNAP, which is a way to get money to pay for day-to-day necessities like food. SNAP is not a program that shames or hurts those that use it, but it can be a great leg up for many who are struggling and can use the lifted financial burden. All college students are eligible for SNAP no matter their parents’ demographic.

Food pantries are becoming more prevalent on college campuses to assist the students who are housed there. These pantries are made for students and by students to kill the stigma that insecurity is a shameful thing as well as make an impact on their campuses. 

There are other forms of food pantries as well as care pantries that provide the community with toiletries and other necessities. You can often find these outlets with a quick google search or a visit to the county website that your school is located in.

Everyone has some difficult times in college, but there is a community of people who want to help alleviate the struggles


Aubre Thomas
Central Michigan University

I am the epitome of a personality that is way bigger than my size. I come from Detroit, MI and I am a proud student at Central Michigan University. I am the co-owner of a start-up clothing brand XonIT.