Transitioning to Online Education

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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How to move forward when everything has been put on pause.


Due to the country being affected by the coronavirus, most colleges and universities have closed their doors and transferred to online learning. This is obviously unprecedented for most, if not, all of us. Here are some of my tips for transitioning to online learning.

Utilize your scheduled times where teachers will be available to speak to you one-on-one

Just because you no longer can see your professors in person does not mean that they cannot help you learn. Their job is still to help you succeed. Teachers are typically passionate about the field they teach, and I am sure they would appreciate your initiative when it comes to learning online. Having these conversations online may take some getting used to, but there is no real drawback with asking questions.

Manage your time properly

This tip is a major obstacle for many people now that they are home and have family distractions. Your parents and friends understand that you are still enrolled and learning, so they should understand that you are still pursuing your education. In my experience, my parents will actually try to help you improve your time management skills because many of us may have developed some bad habits in college while living on our own. Before I came home, I used to have an unhealthy sleep schedule, where I would stay up until 4 am and sleep in until 2 pm. Once I got home, my parents quickly made me wake up earlier, so in order to be able to still get a healthy amount of sleep, I started to go to sleep earlier. If your family and friends are making it difficult for you to manage your time, be honest with them. Your friends and family are there to support you too.

Take care of yourself

It will be hard to succeed if you are struggling emotionally or medically. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, take the necessary and recommended medical precautions and also check with your school for guidance on how to handle your courses. Also, be mindful of your mental health. This time is very unpredictable, and you are bound to feel some sort of stress. Personally, I felt more stressed when I began online classes, but there are ways to deal with this added stress. Try to find ways of relaxation if you need to. Strive to complete your homework, but also try to have a healthy social or rather virtual life. Keep in touch with your friends virtually or watch a movie. Your mental health is vital to your success in school.

Do not give up

I know that this virus has been nothing but grim news due to the recent developments in many of our large cities, but we are all in this together. If we can follow all of the guidelines given by the CDC as well as Anthony Fauci, we can flatten the curve and stop the spread within our country. Economically, the world is also struggling, so if your family struggling during this time, just know you are not alone. All we can do now is be optimistic, smart, sympathetic, and empathetic. We can never give up.

All in all, transitioning to online education is bound to be different for many students; it is likely going to be different for many of your parents too. We are all in this together, and we will get through this. The world is struggling at this point, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We will have to be there for each other to see the end.


Jacob Concolino
University of Kentucky

I am currently pursuing a BS in Chemical Engineering at the University of Kentucky. I am also pursuing a minor in German and have been to the country twice. I can speak some German, and I listen to every genre of music from German to country to rap to pop.