How to Go Abroad and Add to Your Resume/CV… At the Same Time

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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“I have wandered all my life, and I have traveled; the difference between the two being this, that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” ― Hilaire Belloc


It’s a common misconception that traveling is a distraction from the degree or career you’re pursuing… Here are some travel ideas that challenge that notion:


Volunteering abroad lets you give back while exploring other areas of the world. You can pick up new skills, make a difference in various causes, and fully immerse yourself in another culture. Read more about volunteer opportunities here!

Teach English in Another Country

Teaching English is a great way to earn an income while getting immersed in a new culture. There are many companies that offer programs ranging from months to years abroad teaching. Getting started is as easy as getting TEFL-certified, or completing an equivalent course.

Get Creative

In a world of schedules and due dates, it’s easy to fall into a rut. Inspiration can run dry when we’re inundated by monotony, but traveling is a great way to break free and start working on something truly meaningful to you. You can paint the gardens of Versailles, document rolling landscapes in New Zealand on photo or video, start a blog on your backpacking experiences throughout South America, or find inspiration in any of these ventures to pen the bestseller you’ve always wanted to create. No matter the medium, the world is your canvas.

Intern Abroad

As technologies and economies advance on a global scale, it becomes even more important for us, as students, to understand them. By interning abroad, you can study these developments through the lens of another country or culture, while gaining professional work experience – which is all sure to stand out on a resumé.

Become an Au Pair

If you enjoy taking care of children and want to brush up on your language skills, this could be the right fit for you! An Au Pair is someone who lives with a family in a foreign country for a limited period and helps take care of its children. Host families cover a lot of the living expenses for au pairs, such as residency and meals, and also provide pocket money for additional support. Learn more about being an Au Pair here.

Study Abroad

Last, but certainly not least, studying abroad lets you stay on track with your coursework as you see the world. Study abroad programs range from periods of weeks to months and there is a perfect fit for every student. Visit your campus’s office of international programs today to learn more about the programs your school offers.

No matter where your wanderlust takes you, you can always make it a meaningful and educational experience. Start planning your next adventure today!


“Hilaire Belloc quotes” Quotes of famous people, Accessed 3 Oct. 2019


Addie Joseph
Baruch College in Manhattan

After earning her ears at Disney, Addie moved on to study Journalism, Creative Writing, and Photography at Baruch College in Manhattan. She is interning for Macmillan Learning as a Student Ambassador, but in her spare time, you can find her tucked away in a café, crafting stories or editing photos and videos, with earbuds fixed firmly in her ears. Don’t be afraid to interrupt and say hello; she always enjoys meeting new friends (and perhaps indulging them with music recommendations too)!