How I Landed My Dream Internship in New York City with No Prior Experience!

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Looking for an internship? Follow these tips to help land the job!!


Do you want to get an internship but have no idea where to start? Do you automatically assume that your lack of experience puts you at a disadvantage? It's easier than you think! Follow these tips to help prepare you to find and land the opportunity you've been waiting for:

Create/Update your LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn is an essential website for your professional career. Not only does it list available jobs in specific categories but it will also recommend jobs that are relevant to you. Your profile allows you to highlight your career goals, your interests, and some of your proudest accomplishments. Employers can see your past experience and that you are ready to advance in your career. It's also helpful to get in the habit of checking your account every day because a prospective employer might message you!

I applied to my internship through LinkedIn and I heard back from the HR department the next day!

Take Advantage of the Career Services Department at your College or University

Most colleges and universities have an entire department dedicated to career services and alumni relations. Through this department, you can create a resume and cover letter, discuss networking opportunities, understand the interview process, and even begin to search for internships. I made an appointment and was given information about a career fair that was coming up which allowed me to meet with different job recruiters. Did I mention this is a completely free service?! I recommend making an appointment today!

Keep a very open mind and apply to anything and everything!

I think of the biggest mistakes a person can make is not applying to a job opportunity they want because they think they will not get it. Search for jobs in the area you are interested in and apply, apply, and oh yeah, apply. Although you may not hear back, that means is that there is a better opportunity for you to find! The more jobs you apply to, the better chance you have of hearing back.

Interview Prep is Crucial!

Always prepare for your interview by researching the company to understand the expectations of the job and prepare questions. Practicing interview questions with a friend can help you be well-spoken, confident, and prepared. Bring a copy of your resume and other materials, such as a writing sample, that could highlight your qualifications for the job. Always remember to send a thank you to everyone who was involved in your interview once it's over. But the most important advice I can give you is to be yourself. Interviews can be scary but remember that you deserve to be there.

Create that LinkedIn account, research several jobs, finish those cover letters and resumes, and of course prep for that interview. If you take the time to do all these things, then your lack of experience will not be the main focus. All these tips require you to do the work but it will pay off in the end, good luck!

alicia-casamento-cq-authors-community-headshot (1).pngWRITTEN BY
Alicia Casamento
Syracuse University

Alicia is a student at Syracuse University who likes to take long walks to the nearest fast-food joint, never knows the lyrics to any song ever, and would absolutely stop ongoing traffic to pet a dog hanging outside a car window if the opportunity ever presented itself.