10 Things to Do During Spring Break If You Can’t Afford Cancún

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Relax, and treat ya self!


Spring break is really the only break college students have during spring semester, so it's no surprise thousands are already booking their trips to tropical destinations like Cancún, Mexico or Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. But a lot of students are left at home in their beds, wondering how some students can save up so much money to have the typical college spring break.

If you're one of those students, have no fear! There are plenty of fun things to do at home during spring break!

If it's nice out, hike!

Breathing in the fresh air and stretching your legs is the best cure for the spring semester cooped-up blues. There's no better way to spend a nice day than in the great outdoors. Bring a picnic for when you reach the top to have an extra special time.

If it's still winter weather, channel your inner child and play in the snow

es, we are technically adults, but who doesn't love the rush that comes from sledding down a huge hill, the playfulness of a snowball fight, or the warmth from the rich hot chocolate when you go back inside? Sure, it's not the beach-but it can still be just as fun!

Have a spa day (or week!) at home

Take some R&R time at home and create your own spa! Spend the day in your comfiest pair of sweats, paint your nails, give yourself a facial, read in a bubble bath, and make yourself a nice cup of tea. You'll feel relaxed and refreshed in no time!

Spend a day (or week!) Netflix or Hulu bingeing

Sometimes, we just need to be a couch potato. Grab your favorite junk-food snacks, your PJs, and get in the Netflix or Hulu zone.

Spend time with your family

You probably haven't seen your family in a couple of months and they miss you. Take some time during your at-home spring break to make memories with your family members.

Try your hand at cooking or baking

I know ramen is quick and easy, but you can't live off it forever. During your break, crack open that dusty recipe book, and try cooking up a real meal. Or, if you have more of a sweet tooth, make cookies or cake from scratch. Then, you can surprise your friends when they return from the break with your new skills. Trust me-they'll love it and you!

Take yourself on a date

OK, I know that sounds weird, but hear me out! Every day, you do things everyone else wants you to do. Take a day and do everything you like to do. Whether it's grabbing a cup of coffee or seeing the new action movie you've been dying to see, go and do it.

Get productive

You have about ten days off--use your time wisely. Update your résumé, finish that assignment, and apply for those internships.

Bring the beach to you!

Who says you can't go to Cancún in your own home? Make some tacos and chips and guac, invite some friends over, and pretend you're at the beach.

If all else fails: sleep

You haven't gotten more than five hours of sleep in over three months. Sleep your break away and dream about being in Cancún.

See? Having a staycation for spring break isn't so bad after all! What do you plan on doing this spring break?

theresa-carcaldi-cq-authors-community-headshot.pngWRITTEN BY
Theresa Carcaldi
Marist College

Theresa is a senior at Marist College who has spent the last three
years with her nose in a book, a computer on her lap, and a permanent hand cramp due to copious amounts of essays written. If you couldn't tell, she's an English major with a passion for stringing words together and seeing what magic comes from it. When she's not reading or writing, you can catch her trying to get her roommates to join her solo dance party (and failing).