Showing articles with label Virtual Learning.
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Macmillan Employee
10:10 AM
To our Valued Customers:
While our Customer Experience team is working through the queue of support requests, here are two important resources that may be helpful in the interim:
Course content for students: Please complete this brief form for you and your students to receive interim access to your adopted BFW title(s). Given the complexity of most cases, our team is currently fulfilling requests to offer access to several chapters of textbook content to support classrooms until their regular service is restored. Requests submitted through the above form will be responded to within 24-hours, M-F, and within 48 hours for requests submitted over the weekend.
Teacher resource materials: Security of teacher resources (including answer keys) is a priority. Therefore, the most secure, efficient way to access teacher resources is via our LaunchPad and SaplingPlus learning platforms.
Already have access? Look here in LaunchPad or here in SaplingPlus for how to access your complete teacher resources.
If you do not already have access to these LaunchPad or SaplingPlus, please tell us what product you require.
We know that awaiting the resolution of your support case is frustrating, and we sincerely apologize. Please know that each support case is being handled as quickly as possible. While we have additional Customer Experience professionals on board to help work through the queue, multiple submissions of the same issue create duplicate cases that further slow the resolution process and timeline. We hope that the above short-term solutions are helpful while your case is being resolved.
Phoenix Harvey
Director or Marketing, BFW High School Publishers
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Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
06:16 AM
As teachers, administrators, parents, and the communities prepared instructional delivery plans for fall in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, BFW asked teachers a few questions about how those plans were shaping up. More than 5,500 teachers from more than 1,000 schools across all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico responded to the survey between July 27 and August 7, 2020. Check out the infographic below to see the results!
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Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:34 PM
Review at your own pace with this slide deck from a SaplingPlus training session. The deck includes:
Setting up your Sapling Course
Roster-based Clever integration or manual rostering
Navigating a SaplingPlus Course
E-book access
Teacher & Student Resources
SaplingPlus Assessments
Course Management
Sapling Support
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:31 PM
In this webinar, recorded at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a BFW Learning Solutions Specialist explains how SaplingPlus supports recognized theories and models of online learning and student engagement. After viewing this webinar, you should feel empowered to facilitate active virtual learning based on the key functionality of SaplingPlus technology. In particular, the webinar focuses on the system's robust guided feedback, how to create student-engaging assessments, how to download and use the e-book, and more.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:28 PM
Learn how to access and download your BFW e-book, and explore navigation tips and study tools.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:25 PM
In this short video, a BFW Specialist explains how to access SaplingPlus, set up your course, and have students join.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:23 PM
In this video, a BFW Client Success Specialist walks through the SaplingPlus program in a recorded training session. Learn how to use the e-book, teacher and student resources, LearningCurve, online homework, gradebook, and more. The specialist uses Friedland/Relyea's Environmental Science for the AP® Course, Third Edition as the sample text, but the tools and tips apply to all SaplingPlus courses.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:19 PM
Learn how to access and download your BFW e-book, and explore navigation tips and study tools.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:16 PM
In this short video, a BFW Specialist explains how to access LaunchPad, set up your course, and have students join. Access article here for non-video step-by-step instructions.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
01:13 PM
In this video, a BFW Client Success Specialist walks through the LaunchPad platform in a recorded training session. Learn how to use the e-book, teacher and student resources, LearningCurve, gradebook, and more. The specialist uses Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course, Third Edition as the sample text, but the tools and tips apply to all LaunchPad courses.
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Course Tours
Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
11:59 AM
In this 40-minute webinar, high school teacher and tech entrepreneur Brad Wray will offer resources and tips to getting your course online in a jiffy. All it takes is a first step. Already have your class online? We bet you can find new resources here too!
About Brad Wray
Brad Wray is a teacher of Psychology, U.S. History, and Computer Science who has been teaching since 2008 in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore County Maryland. He has been a district instructional technology specialist as well as a school based tech liaison. He has served as a reader for the AP® Psychology exam and served on the Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) Executive Board. In 2017, Brad co-chaired a Technology working group at the APA Summit on High School Psychology Education. His uses of technology in the classroom include developing the vocabulary learning app Xamplr, fluency with multiple LMSs and creating many YouTube videos which leverage his musical abilities to communicate vital psychology concepts. His psychology teaching videos have been featured on the Freakonomics blog and Scientific American.
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Macmillan Employee
07:04 AM
In this interactive webinar, Kate Cordes, M.Ed. and NBCT, will share best practices and helpful tips for efficiently transitioning to online lessons and assignments that engage students in continued learning amid recent school closures. In Part One of the series, participants will learn about key theories of online instruction that foster engagement, as well as ideas for incorporating synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning methods, class discussions, and e-books. As an added bonus, Kate will also share tips for parents and caretakers who may be curious about best supporting students who are now learning remotely.
About Kate Cordes
Kate Cordes is a National Board Certified English Teacher who currently teaches 10th grade English, 12th grade English, and AP English Literature at Skyview High School. She received her undergraduate degree in English, Psychology, and Medieval Studies from St. Olaf College and spent a year at Oxford University studying Medieval and 20th-century British Literature. With a master's degree in education from Montana State University-Billings, she focuses her teaching efforts on writing instruction, technology integration, and becoming the best teacher and leader possible.
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Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
06:59 AM
In this interactive webinar, Kate Cordes, M.Ed. and NBCT, will explain how digital learning technologies can support recognized theories and models of online learning and student engagement. Participants will leave this webinar feeling empowered to facilitate active virtual learning based on the key functionality of BFW's LaunchPad technology and to support a defined learning path that includes reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction, skills application, and formative and summative assessments. Join to also learn about incorporating LaunchPad’s additional features, such as interactive student resources and discussion boards.
About Kate Cordes
Kate Cordes is a National Board Certified English Teacher who currently teaches 10th grade English, 12th grade English, and AP English Literature at Skyview High School. She received her undergraduate degree in English, Psychology, and Medieval Studies from St. Olaf College and spent a year at Oxford University studying Medieval and 20th-century British Literature. With a master's degree in education from Montana State University-Billings, she focuses her teaching efforts on writing instruction, technology integration, and becoming the best teacher and leader possible.
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Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
06:42 AM
2020 APSI®
We're looking forward to connecting with you this summer at an AP® Summer Institute!
We’ve curated a list of tools to support you during your APSI. Click here to access resources for your course. To learn more or schedule an appointment with your BFW Sales Specialist, click here.
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Virtual Learning

Macmillan Employee
05:58 AM
Even an experienced APSI workshop leader may have a bit of trepidation alongside the excitement, if leading a virtual APSI for the first time. If you are looking for additional resources to most effectively conduct a virtual APSI, there are tons of tools and resources on teaching adult learners in a virtual environment - so many in fact that at times it can feel overwhelming. So here are three simple ways that technology can assist you in incorporating multiple modalities into your virtual APSI, along with links to more detailed setup resources.
Group work:
Many web-conferencing systems provide the ability to create (and even pre-assign) breakout groups. The benefit of using breakout rooms is that as the leader, you can move throughout the groups to check-in to listen and coach, much as you would with breakout groups in person. Here's a quick video and help article on how breakout groups can be facilitated in Zoom, for example. Some web-conferencing options (like Zoom) enables the facilitator to switch between large group discussions (like introduction and share outs) and smaller breakouts on the same web-conference meeting, with the click of a button.
Interactive Quizzing:
Polling and quizzing is not just fun and games - although there's nothing at all wrong with a little fun. There's even research that shows having fun can positively impact learning and memory, particularly for adult learners. Interactive polling can not only be fun, but it can be a useful tool to facilitate engagement like implementing teaching methodologies like the 'muddiest point'. Here is an article on how iClicker, for example, can be used to facilitate active learning even in a virtual setting using diverse question types (like open response and target questions).
The video below shows how you can get started using iClicker in less than two minutes and your APSI workshop participants can join for free for 14-days, more than long enough to use throughout your workshop.
Click here for more information on getting started with your free iClicker account.
Asynchronous feedback:
As a teacher, you are understandably adept at giving feedback. While there is value in written feedback on projects and submitted work, there is significant research like this study that shows that in virtual/distance learning environments, asynchronous, audio feedback can be even more powerful than written feedback. You may consider providing your workshop attendees with an audio or video recording of your feedback. There are easy recording options like (the relatively low-key) recording on a smartphone or tablet feature and emailing to workshop participants. For those ready for more advanced audio/video feedback options, a screen-recording software where you can record and annotate directly 'over' a project submission, can enable you to provide rich, contextualized feedback to your workshop participants. In addition to recording yourself using the web-conference software, there are also free and easy options like Screencast-o-matic. Click here for a list of other screen-recording options.
We hope that these ideas provide a little inspiration as you prepare for your APSIs. Remember, as always, when it comes to supporting your needs as an AP or pre-AP teacher, we've got you covered. Please feel free to like or drop a comment below to share tips that you may have for other teachers planning a virtual APSI. And, if you're looking for BFW resources for your APSI, click here to connect with your BFW representative.
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Virtual Learning