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Mathematics & Statistics Blog

Macmillan Employee
11:42 AM
We understand that the Draft AP Statistics CED announcement has prompted questions regarding the suitability of existing resources, specifically The Practice of Statistics for the AP® Course, 7th Edition (TPS 7e), for this potential curriculum. For a brief overview of the proposed changes, we recommend checking out this blog from our friends at Stats Medic.
Our authors will soon share additional insights on the proposed changes, but until then, rest assured: TPS 7e will be compatible with the updated CED and remains the top choice for AP® Statistics.
Why TPS 7e remains the premier choice allowing you to adopt with confidence:
Full Coverage of the new CED: Despite the restructuring, which mostly consists of removing content, TPS 7e's comprehensive coverage extends beyond the outlined changes, ensuring all topics are thoroughly addressed.
Proven Pedagogical Approach: Authored by experienced AP® Statistics educators Daren Starnes and Josh Tabor, TPS 7e integrates a pedagogy that champions statistical thinking and problem-solving, aligning with the CED's move towards application-oriented learning.
Comprehensive Support: Anticipating these shifts, we will create correlation guides, author videos, and additional resources tailored to these updates, making TPS 7e a seamless fit for the proposed updated CED. These will be made and shared with adopters well in advance of when they will need them.
We will also be doing this for the Updated and Classic TPS 6e editions.
We provided similar support during the 2019 CED release—so much so that teachers are still using those resources.
Robust Digital Platform: With Achieve, our enhanced digital platform, educators and students gain access to an extensive homework and assessment system, video support, and more. Achieve's user-friendly interface makes it ideal for working with any curriculum changes.
Why shouldn’t I wait for TPS 8e?
We highly recommend the adoption of The Practice of Statistics, 7e instead of waiting for future editions. The current CED is still a work in progress and is subject to further modifications. It is far from finalized. While the target launch is set for the 2026-2027 academic year, delays akin to those experienced with recently updated AP® Psychology and AP® Physics 1 & 2 CEDs could happen, pushing implementation to as far as 2028-2029. By adopting TPS 7e now, you will gain access to a top-tier program fully aligned with the current CED for at least the next two years. Moreover, BFW will provide all essential tools and resources to seamlessly transition TPS 7e users to ANY future updated CED for the duration of your adoption.
If you need support or have any questions, feel free to reach out to your BFW Representative (if you're looking for their contact information, you can easily find it here) or email us at hsmarketing@bfwpub.com.
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Macmillan Employee
08:26 AM
In this video, Daren Starnes, Co-Author of The Practice of Statistics for the AP® Course, 7th Edition, talks about what’s new to this edition, including features and updates, how it aligns with the CED, and more. Explore TPS 7e here.
The enhanced seventh edition of Starnes and Tabor’s The Practice of Statistics for the AP® Course closely aligns with the College Board’s latest Course and Exam Description (CED), ensuring that all essential knowledge, objectives, vocabulary, and formulas/tables are included.
We've taken the time to update the examples and exercises, giving them meaningful and engaging contexts that incorporate recent studies and data. Students will be able to connect with the content in a way that feels relevant and interesting.
TPS 7e also introduces a new exercise category called "For investigation," which specifically focuses on preparing students for the Investigative Task. This addition will help students develop the skills they need for success.
In addition, we're proud to offer Achieve, a comprehensive e-book and Online Homework resource designed specifically for this edition. With approximately 2000 questions, including all recommended assignments from the Teacher's Edition, students will have ample opportunity to practice and learn. Plus, with guided feedback on incorrect answers, students can continue to learn from their mistakes.
For teachers, we've fully updated the teacher resources suite to match the seventh edition. The new Teacher's Edition, written by AP® Statistics teacher and AP® table leader, Doug Tyson, provides invaluable support. With the new cloud-based Test Bank platform (optimized for both PC and Mac), featuring hundreds of additional problems, teachers can easily find and assign extra practice or assessment material.
With all these updates and improvements, we are confident that this new edition will meet the needs of both students and teachers. It's time to dive in and excel in AP® Statistics!
Explore more.
Preview a Sample Unit.
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Macmillan Employee
02:56 PM
Let's start by defining rectilinear motion. In Calculus for the AP® Course, 3e, rectilinear motion is used to describe motion along a line. This concept is consistent with the 2020 Curriculum and Exam Description (CED) which states that "The derivative can be used to solve rectilinear motion problems involving position, speed, velocity, and acceleration." Chapter 2 of the textbook introduces rectilinear motion as an application of the derivative and revisits this topic throughout the text.
Next, let's take a closer look at how calculus can be used to solve rectilinear motion problems. By using the derivative, students can solve problems involving position, velocity, speed, and acceleration. These concepts are essential for understanding straight-line motion and will be tested in the AP® Calculus exams. Therefore, it is essential to help your students practice as much as possible.
To practice solving rectilinear motion problems, students can use Calculus for the AP® Course, 3e. The textbook provides numerous examples that can help students understand the concepts and practice solving problems. Additionally, the textbook is consistent with the College Board's approach, as described in the AP® Calculus AB SAMPLE SYLLABUS #1. This approach supplements the CED and provides additional explanations that can help students understand straight-line motion and its applications.
This guide focuses on content and examples from Calculus for the AP® Course, 3e and can be a valuable resource for educators and their students.
In addition to the textbook, educators can also use AP® classroom resources to help their students practice. Accessing the helpful guide provided by AP® classroom can help students practice solving problems involving rectilinear motion.
In conclusion, understanding straight-line motion is essential for students preparing for the AP® Calculus exams. Rectilinear motion, or motion along a line, can be solved using calculus, specifically by using the derivative. Calculus for the AP® Course, 3e is an excellent resource that provides numerous examples that can help students practice solving problems involving rectilinear motion. Additionally, the AP® classroom resources can be a valuable tool for educators looking to provide additional practice for their students. With these resources, educators can help their students achieve success in their upcoming AP® Calculus exams.
Don't forget to check out the guide: Teaching AP® Classroom Topic 4.2. Straight line motion, connection position, velocity, and acceleration with Calculus for the AP® Course, Third Edition.
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Community Manager
05:54 AM
Join us as we walk you through the most trusted program in AP® Calculus - Sullivan and Miranda's Calculus for the AP® Course, 3rd edition. In this video we will explore the student edition, resources, digital platform and more. Be sure to visit our Calculus for the AP® Course 3e catalog page at: www.go.bfwpub.com/APCalculus3e.
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Community Manager
07:07 AM
Join us here as we walk you through the most trusted program in AP® Calculus - Sullivan and Miranda's Calculus for the AP® Course, 3rd edition. In this video we will explore the student edition, resources, digital platform and more. Be sure to visit our Calculus for the AP® Course 3e catalog page at: www.go.bfwpub.com/APCalculus3e.
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Macmillan Employee
01:40 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 @ 6:00 PM ET
Are you teaching your AP® Calculus course virtually this year and not sure where to start? In this webinar, content expert and educator, Erica Chauvet, (along with BFW's AP® Calculus team) will show you the essentials of using SaplingPlus for Sullivan and Miranda's Calculus for the AP® Course 3e to teach a successful AP® Calculus course.
First, we will showcase the Student and Teacher e-books and resources that are easily accessed through the platform and will show you how to set up homework and other assessments. Following this "SaplingPlus 101" introduction, we will demonstrate some of the more in-depth and custom capabilities of the program, plus provide a Q&A. While the webinar is geared for current users of SaplingPlus and the Sullivan/Miranda text, others are welcome, as the Calculus for the AP® Course SaplingPlus program may provide an excellent solution for you, too.
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Macmillan Employee
09:39 AM
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics
Are you teaching your AP® Statistics course virtually this year and not sure where to start? In this webinar, content expert and educator, Erica Chauvet, (along with The Practice of Statistics team) will show you the essentials of using SaplingPlus for The Updated Practice of Statistics 6e to teach a successful AP® Stats course from day one.
First, we will showcase the Student and Teacher e-books and resources that are easily accessed through the platform and will show you how to set up homework and other assessments. Following this "SaplingPlus 101" introduction, we will demonstrate some of the more in-depth and custom capabilities of the program, plus provide a Q&A. While the webinar is geared for current users of SaplingPlus and TPS, others are welcome, as the Updated TPS6 SaplingPlus program may provide an excellent solution for you, too.
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Macmillan Employee
04:11 PM
Thank you for expressing interest in our Math & Statistics Course Tours! If you're already signed in to the community, you will be able to access Course Tours by clicking the button below. If you are not signed in, you will need to sign in or create an account* to view all available Course Tours. For step-by-step login instructions, click here.
*Note: New accounts must be verified and verification may take up to two business days. Once verified, you will be able to access all our premium content, including course tours!
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Macmillan Employee
06:23 AM
With many APSIs going virtual this year due to COVID-19, publisher's rep Jason Kramer walks through our AP® Stats program in this video.
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics
I'm attending an APSI® I'm not attending, but still want resources!
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Macmillan Employee
06:21 AM
With many APSIs going virtual this year due to COVID-19, publisher's rep Luba Gorbach-Tsipis walks through our AP® Calculus program in this video.
Calculus for the AP® Course
I'm attending an APSI® I'm not attending, but still want resources!
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Macmillan Employee
06:19 AM
Teaching with a previous edition of TPS? We've still got you covered. Access additional handouts and correlations for our AP® Statistics programs.
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics
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Macmillan Employee
05:39 AM
Join leading statistics authors and experienced AP® Teachers, Daren Starnes and Josh Tabor, as they discuss the new Course and Exam Description for AP® Statistics, including how to use The Practice of Statistics fourth, fifth, and sixth editions with the new Course Framework (TBA May 20th). They will also discuss the Updated Version of The Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition, which is perfectly aligned to the 9 units defined by the College Board. This 45 minute presentation will be followed by a 30 minute Q&A.
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics
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Macmillan Employee
05:35 AM
In this webinar, Luke Wilcox will introduce the big ideas behind the Experience First, Formalize Later teaching philosophy while sharing some of his favorite activities from www.StatsMedic.com, followed by Daren Starnes & Josh Tabor as they demonstrate activities and highlight applets they use from their beloved on-level textbooks Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition and Statistical Reasoning in Sports, Second Edition.
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics Statistical Reasoning in Sports
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Macmillan Employee
05:31 AM
Join veteran AP Statistics teachers, AP Exam leaders, and beloved author team for The Practice of Statistics: Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and Luke Wilcox. They will discuss FRQs 2, 4, 6 from the 2019 Exam and in the process talk about how things will be changing for future exams, including the three-section scoring for significance tests, checking the 10% condition, the newly added expectations on defining parameters, and more, while also going over the detailed list of specifications for the FR section. They will also review how The Practice of Statistics continues to prepare students well for the exam, even with the changes!
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics
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Macmillan Employee
07:23 AM
In this webinar, Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and Luke Wilcox will discuss their Top Ten Tips for success on the upcoming, and newly updated, 2020 AP® Statistics Exam. Topics will include strategies to address the truncated format. They will also highlight resources from The Practice of Statistics that can help you get ready for May.
UPDATED Version of The Practice of Statistics
About Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and Luke Wilcox
Daren S. Starnes is Mathematics Department Chair and holds the Robert S. and Christina Seix Dow Distinguished Master Teacher Chair in Mathematics at The Lawrenceville School near Princeton, New Jersey. He has led numerous one-day and weeklong AP® Statistics institutes for new and experienced teachers, and he has been a Reader, Table Leader, and Question Leader for the AP® Statistics exam since 1998.
Josh Tabor has enjoyed teaching on-level and AP® Statistics to high school students for more than 23 years, most recently at his alma mater, Canyon del Oro High School in Oro Valley, Arizona. Each year, Josh leads one-week AP® Summer Institutes and College Board workshops around the world and frequently speaks at local, national, and international conferences.
Luke Wilcox has spent his 17-year teaching career at East Kentwood High School, the most diverse public high school in the state of Michigan, where he teaches Intro Statistics and Advanced Placement Statistics. His teaching has been recognized with the 2013 Presidential Award and most recently the 2018 Michigan Teacher of the Year award. Luke is a veteran grader at the annual AP® Statistics Reading and spends his summers helping teachers at College Board AP® Summer Institutes around the country and speaking at local, national, and international conferences. To further help statistics teachers, Luke co-developed the website www.statsmedic.com, which is positively transforming statistics instruction in classrooms around the country.
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