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Showing articles with label Survey Services.
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Macmillan Employee
02:27 PM
Before starting a new term with iClicker Cloud, we recommend taking a few moments to archive last term’s course(s) and set up your new term’s course(s):
Make sure last term’s courses are archived. Your courses will automatically archive on the End Date you set during course creation. You can also archive a course at any time in the desktop software or on the instructor website. You are still able to access your course information, but the archived course will no longer appear in the iClicker student app search results and no new students will be able to join the old course in the new term.
If you haven’t done so already, update your desktop software.
Create a new course in the desktop software or on the instructor website for each course you’re teaching in the new term. While not required, the optional course information can help your students identify your course in their apps. For example, there could be multiple sections of the same course at your institution. This additional information provides more details for your students to recognize and join the correct class.
Copy any Assignments you had previously created and wish to reuse in your new course(s).
Customize your course settings.
Choose how you would like to add grades from iClicker Cloud to your Learning Management System.
If Roster & Grade Sync is enabled for your course, you’ll see the prompt to walk you through setup in the Integrations tab of your course settings.
If you set up LTI Grade Sync in your LMS last semester, you cannot simply copy the link or assignment from the previous course for the new term. LTI links are course-specific, so you’ll need to set up a new link for each new course.
Invite co-instructors or teaching assistants to your new course(s).
Share registration instructions with your students. Our customizable syllabus templates and first day of class slides provide a good starting point. Check out the student onboarding resources below that most closely match your own class setup:
I am using iClicker Cloud for a virtual class.
I am integrating iClicker Cloud with Achieve.
I am using iClicker Cloud's Roster & Grade Sync (requires prior setup by a campus administrator).
My campus requires that students sign in to iClicker through a campus portal.
I am using iClicker Cloud's LTI Grade Sync (requires prior setup by a campus administrator).
I am downloading grades from iClicker Cloud and manually importing them to my LMS.
I will not be adding any grades from iClicker Cloud to my LMS.
I am using iClicker Cloud for Attendance only (no polling or quizzing).
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Attendance Tracking & Reporting
Going Virtual
Student Engagement
Survey Services

Macmillan Employee
02:30 PM
By default, every Polling activity starts with the question type set to Multiple Choice, but you can change the question type before starting each poll. This article covers all of our question types:
Multiple Choice
Multiple Answer
Short Answer
Use the drop-down menu on the iClicker toolbar to choose your desired question type from the list. Learn more about running polls and viewing and grading results in class.
Multiple Choice
Students can respond with: iClicker student app, iClicker 2 remote, iClicker+ remote
Students are able to select a single letter response A through E. While students can only select one response, you can select multiple responses as correct when grading. Student View Instructor View
Multiple Answer
Students can respond with: iClicker student app, iClicker 2 remote
Multiple Answer polls require students to evaluate the correctness or incorrectness of each possible response instead of simply hunting for one ‘best’ answer. Students are able to select multiple letter responses A through E.
Once you grade a Multiple Answer question, you can select the Responses view on the Results chart to see how many responses were Correct, Partially Correct, or Incorrect. You can expand each category to view the individual responses and counts.
Student View Instructor View
Short Answer
Students can respond with: iClicker student app, iClicker 2 remote
Short Answer allows you to pose open-ended questions. Students using the iClicker student app can respond with up to 140 characters, including punctuation and most symbols. Students responding with iClicker 2 remotes are limited to the device maximum of 16 characters. Students with iClicker+ remotes cannot respond to short answer questions.
In the Results chart, identical responses are grouped together (grouping is not case-sensitive). If you want to quickly mark all answers correct, click on the three dots next to the question number and select Mark All Correct.
If you select multiple correct answers, you can select the star icon next to the "best" response, which is also displayed as the correct answer in students' iClicker student app accounts. If none of your students submitted the answer you were looking for, you can enter your desired response into the Other field at the bottom of the grading panel.
Student View Instructor View
You can also choose to display submitted answers as a Word Cloud.
Students can respond with: iClicker student app, iClicker 2 remote
Numeric questions allow students to respond with open-ended numeric values and support scientific notation and exponents. Students using the iClicker student app or an iClicker 2 remote can respond with up to eight digits plus a decimal point. Students with iClicker+ remotes cannot respond to numeric questions.
Entries are grouped by value–for example, 5000, 5000.00, and 5E3 would group together. If you want to quickly mark all answers correct, click on the three dots next to the question number and select Mark All Correct.
If you select multiple correct answers, you can select the star icon next to the "best" response, which is also displayed as the correct answer in students' iClicker student app accounts. If none of your students submitted the answer you were looking for, you can enter your desired response into the Other field at the bottom of the grading panel.
Student View Instructor View
Students can respond with: iClicker student app
This question type allows instructors to ask questions by sending an image to students (e.g., an image on a lecture slide, an image in your web browser, or even a video you've paused). Students answer the target question by clicking or tapping on the image using their laptops or smart devices.
Target questions are ideal in disciplines where visual understanding is required. Students must use the iClicker student app on a mobile device or laptop to participate, as this question type is not available for use with iClicker remotes. Learn more about target questions.
Student View Instructor View
You can ask any of the question types above in Anonymous mode. This allows you to ask sensitive questions that students might not feel comfortable answering if their responses could be traced to their identity. To switch your poll to Anonymous mode, select the menu icon on the iClicker toolbar and turn Anonymous on.
This will change the iClicker tollbar to a dark gray color to indicate you are in Anonymous mode. Your polls will remain anonymous until you turn off Anonymous mode.
You cannot select correct answers for Anonymous questions, so the student response on the Results chart will be grayed out and not clickable. Although students cannot receive Performance points for their responses, they can still receive Participation points for Anonymous responses. Learn more about scoring settings for Polling.
Student view Instructor View
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Going Virtual
Student Engagement
Survey Services

Macmillan Employee
01:37 PM
Whether you’re kicking off a new term or introducing a group activity to your class, breaking the ice can help you get to know your students and your students each other. Fostering a sense of community among students can encourage meaningful peer interaction. But it isn’t always easy.
Luckily, iClicker’s Polling and Assignments features can help you and your students get acquainted with one another. We’ve put together some examples of fun, low-stakes iClicker questions you can use as icebreakers. Use these icebreaker questions at the start of the term, before a group activity, or at any point in the semester to take the pulse of your class.
Click on the slide deck below to access the icebreaker questions.
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Going Virtual
Student Engagement
Survey Services

Macmillan Employee
02:32 PM
Not only are iClicker Insights' retention surveys effective - just check out how University of Missouri improved the timeliness of identifying and intervening with students who were experiencing obstacles to retention - the surveys are incredibly easy to deploy. Five clicks and you're on your way to understanding student retention risks. Check out the video below to see just how easy early identification of retention risks can be.
Visit https://www.iclicker.com/institutions/retention-surveys/ for more on iClicker Insights' retention surveys.
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Analytics & Insights
iClicker Insights
Survey Services

Macmillan Employee
11:53 AM
While there are some startling statistics related to student retention (like the fact that 40% of first year students will not return to their institution the second year), luckily iClicker Insights has some interesting stats too - ones that demonstrate how it can be used to improve student success and retention by empowering early intervention. Check out iClicker Insights 'by the number' here. For more information, visit iclicker.com/insights.
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Analytics & Insights
iClicker Insights
Student Engagement
Survey Services

Macmillan Employee
03:31 AM
The CARES Acts provided Department of Education assistance to higher education to respond to pressing student and institutional needs that have arisen due to the quick pivot from traditional classes to remote learning. Understandably, students have been academically impacted. However, almost every aspect of students’ college experiences have been impacted. Understanding intervention priorities, as well as the ultimate impact to student and institutional outcomes, is critical to colleges and universities.
This Spring iClicker Insights offered two free surveys to help administrators quickly move beyond anecdotes, to efficiently gather data on how their students are faring. Developed by Macmillan Learning’s Analytics and Research experts, these surveys were developed to identify students’ most pressing needs and inform both intervention planning and forecasting potential ramifications to student retention. So what’s the difference between the two?
Determining Most Pressing Intervention Needs
The Intervention Needs survey identifies students who may be struggling in the online environment, as well as potential retention issues due to the quick transition to remote learning. Topics include: managing coursework, motivation, feelings of connectedness, as well as students’ plans to return.
Assessing Impact to Student Retention:
The COVID-19 Student Outcomes survey evaluates how the quick transition to remote learning impacted students’ experience - and potential flags for student retention. Survey items include: satisfaction with academics and campus services; interactions with peers, faculty and staff; sense of belonging; overall perceptions of the institution; and plans to return.
Below are best practices from our Analytics & Research teams for using these two assessments:
Administer the Intervention Needs survey ASAP after the start of the term, or after a pivot to online classes. This survey will help identify which students are most in need - and focus interventions on the most pressing student needs.
Administer the Student Outcomes survey 1-2 weeks prior to the end of the term. This survey will help you to determine how moving or being online impacted students' experiences.
Communicate to stakeholders in other departments your intentions to deploy the survey(s) so that students won’t receive multiple requests from different departments for the same survey
Share your findings with internal stakeholders. Check out this webinar recording for ideas on how to visually present data for improved clarity and impact.
If you are interested in learning more about these COVID-19 student insights surveys or how the iClicker Insights analytics dashboard can help you identify and intervene as early as possible with the students who most need it, visit iclicker.com/insights or sign up for one of our 45-minute office hour sessions being held throughout July and August.
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Analytics & Insights
Going Virtual
iClicker Insights
Survey Services
Analytics & Insights
14 -
Attendance Tracking & Reporting
10 -
Going Virtual
50 -
145 -
iClicker Insights
10 -
iClicker Tips & Tricks
1 -
Site Licensing
2 -
Student Engagement
115 -
Survey Services
6 -
Tips & Tricks
17 -
Trivia Deck
18 -
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