WEBINAR: Contemporary Poets Talk Back: An American Tradition

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In celebration of National Poetry Month, the authors of American Literature & Rhetoric (ALR) and colleagues who contributed to the resources discuss "Contemporary Poets Talk Back: An American Tradition." One way to view our new book  ALR is one big conversation about issues and ideas about our perfect—or imperfect—union. Nowhere is the conversation more dynamic than in our "talk backs": contemporary poets responding to a song, a painting, or another poem from another era. These responses might be an appreciation or a challenge, but they always raise questions that continue to engage us.

During this webinar, we will discuss five contemporary poets who are talking back:

  • Ada Limon (to “The Star-Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott Key)
  • Natasha Trethewey (to "Veteran in a New Field" by Winslow Homer)
  • Ilya Kaminsky (to "At Lowe's Home Improvement Center" by Brian Turner)
  • Ocean Vuong (to "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa)
  • Eve Ewing (to "How It Feels to Be Colored Me" by Zora Neale Hurston)

View Recording Here!