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Macmillan Employee
08:15 AM
It is a vital time in International Economics. Rob Feenstra and Alan Taylor are luminaries in the field, long-time teachers of the course, and authors of a leading text International Economics, 5th Edition. In this webinar, they addressed four key areas where the war in Ukraine and international economics intersect, including:
Exchange Rates: Understanding the ruble crash and other forex market events after large political shocks.
Trade sanctions: Implications of embargoes, MFN, and tariffs, and lessons from trade wars in history.
Financial disruptions: The costs of default and the status of forex reserves in Russia and beyond.
Migration: Effects of emigration from Ukraine and Russia on the European economy.
Check out Rob Feenstra and Alan Taylor’s texts:
International Trade 5e:
International Macroeconomics 5e:
International Economics 5e:
Access the recording today!
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Macmillan Employee
07:46 AM
Achieve is an online learning system that supports students and instructors at every step, from the first point of contact with new content to demonstrating mastery of concepts and skills. Below are brief videos of Achieve’s powerful resources including an integrated e-book, graphing questions with targeted feedback, and a wealth of interactives create an extraordinary learning resource for students. You can watch the videos of the activities you plan to use or learn about new assignments to add to your course.
The Achieve e-book allows students to highlight and take notes; instructors can choose to assign sections of the e-book as part of their course assignments.
With a game-like interface, LearningCurve offers students a low-stakes way to brush up on concepts and help identify knowledge gaps. Questions are linked to relevant e-book sections, providing both the incentive to read and a framework for an efficient reading experience.
Developed by economists active in the classroom, these multistep questions are adapted from problems found in the text. Each problem is paired with rich feedback for incorrect and correct responses that guide students through the process of problem solving. These questions also feature our user-friendly graphing tool, designed so students focus entirely on economics and not on how to use the application.
Achieve Overview
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools. It incorporates the most effective elements from Macmillan’s market-leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform. Our resources were co-designed with instructors and students, using a foundation of learning research and rigorous testing.
Achieve Spotlight: Pre-Class Tutorials
Pre-class tutorials foster basic understanding of core economic concepts before students ever set foot in class. Students watch pre-lecture videos and complete bridge question assessments that prepare them to engage in class. Instructors receive data about student comprehension that can inform their lecture preparation.
Achieve Spotlight: Assessment
Powered by a robust graphing engine developed by economists active in the classroom, these multistep questions are paired with rich feedback for incorrect and correct responses that guides students through the process of problem solving. Students are asked to demonstrate their understanding by simply clicking, dragging, and dropping a line to a predetermined location. This graphing tool has been designed so that students’ entire focus is on moving the correct curve in the correct direction, virtually eliminating grading issues for instructors.
Achieve Spotlight: Work It Outs
These skill-building activities pair sample end-of-chapter problems with targeted feedback and video explanations to help students solve problems step by step. This approach allows students to work independently, tests their comprehension of concepts, and prepares them for class and exams.
Achieve Spotlight: In-Class Activity Guides
Each guide is based on a single topic and allows students to participate through questions, group work, presentations, and/or simulations. The guide displays the activity type, estimated prep and class time, implementation instructions, suggestions for remote implementation where applicable, and Learning Objectives and Bloom’s Level for ease of use. Our Instructor Activity Guides encourage engagement from a Pre-Class Reflection question to prime student interest and offer follow-up clicker questions to measure comprehension.
Achieve Spotlight: Stevenson/Wolfers - Decision Point Activities
Decision Points activities allow students to explore their own decision-making process and how economic principles and thinking can inform their decisions. Students work step by step through decision-making scenarios, receiving feedback about how economic principles did (or did not) play into their choices. Decision Points help students apply economic insights to their everyday lives.
Achieve Spotlight: Stevenson/Wolfers - Step By Step Graphs
Available only in the e-book, step-by-step graphs mirror how an instructor constructs graphs in the classroom. By breaking the process down into its components, these graphs create more manageable “chunks” for students to understand each step of the process.
Achieve Spotlight: Cowen/Tabarrok - MRU Videos
MRU features perhaps the most extensive series of economics education videos available. More than 150 of these videos have been deeply integrated into the text and pedagogy of Modern Principles, extending the authors’ perspectives into the online learning space, and providing valuable tools for both instructors and students throughout the learning path.
Achieve Spotlight: Econofacts Memos
Macmillan Learning has partnered with EconoFact to bring incisive and accessible analysis of current economic and policy trends into the economics classroom. The EconoFact Network provides even-handed and timely analysis of economic issues drawing on relevant data, historical experience, and well-regarded economic frameworks presented in the form of a short memo. In Achieve, instructors can access in-class activity guides to help integrate the memos into their own lectures. Instructors can also access and assign assessment on each memo that starts with basic reading comprehension and builds up to applying the analytical tools students have learned in their course to the economic or policy issue covered in the memo.
Achieve Spotlight: Discovering Data
These exercises require students to use the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED) related to the concepts discussed in the chapter. Students will get practical experience manipulating data by being asked, for example, to track the impact of a sales tax on tobacco sales. In working these problems, students will gain a greater understanding of core concepts while also working with an impressive data resource.
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