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Robert K. Blechman graduated from the University of Chicago with a BA in English Literature and earned an MBA in Finance and a Ph.D. in Media Ecology (Media and Communications) from New York University. Dr. Blechman has worked in senior management positions at a variety of iconic institutions including Columbia University Medical Center, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, HarperCollins Publishers, Olympia & York Real Estate Management and CBS News. Starting on May 6, 2009, Dr. Blechman began a Twitter literary experiment: Was it possible to maintain a narrative structure and attract a reading public in Twitter, 140 characters at a time? Posting a new story “tweet” twice a day, every day, never missing a deadline, he completed his “twitstery” or Twitter mystery in 15 months. In 2011 NeoPoiesis Press published the collected tweets in book form under the title "Executive Severance" which won the 2012 Mary Shelley Award for Outstanding Fiction.
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Member Since ‎07-21-2015